How have you dealt with jealous females in the past?

  1. Just be kind and respectful. They usually come around and quit being rude eventually

  2. Depends. They’re people, which means some of them should just be left behind, if possible. Is this person doing anything overt or underhanded? I find it’s usually best to walk away if you can.

  3. Get as far away from them as possible. Envy is such a toxic trait. Even if you’re patient with the woman at first, that stuff wears on you and makes you feel like you have to be on the defense all the time.

    Buy her a gift card for therapy.

  4. My partners cat was always really jealous and possessive of him when I came round, I just left her alone. Eventually she got over it, and let me pat her too.

  5. My dog gets really needy when I am paying attention to the children. It’s cute but obnoxious.

  6. I would just avoid them and not to think much of them unless they cause you direct harm then you’ll have to take action

  7. Usually make sure to give my dog lots of one on one attention so she’s knows I still love her. Try to incorporate her into playing with my toddler

  8. Depends how old I am. When I was a junior in HS my boyfriend (now husband) would pick me up and drive me to and from school everyday in his fancy bmw. (wasn’t SUPER fancy, just fancy for high school. It was like a 2007-2008ish)

    My friends wouldn’t invite me to things after school and their response was “just go drive home with ______ instead of waiting for one of us to get our first car” I guess it was implied that I wasn’t supposed to drive to school with him and the whole friend group is supposed to wait and wed all drive to school as a group.

    how did I handle this?

    I cried in my room

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