Been running into girls lately that I want to approach and get to know. For someone I know nothing about, I was gonna end it with asking for their IG.

How should I lead up to that point? How do you distinguished gentlemen go about approaching and asking a girl for her number?

  1. Hi, You are somebody I would like to get to know. Do you have some free time so we can chat?

  2. Not sure I have a “fool proof” way, I just start making conversation. If she seems interesting, I get more flirtatious and playful with the banter. If she reciprocates, I ask her out.

  3. There is no foolproof way because women can interpret an approach any way they want.

    Also, if you’re going to ask for her IG, consider how many followers she has. 99% of them are probably just guys trying to smash and at LEAST 5% of them have already messaged her. How are you going to stand out in an inbox full of 100 plus messages?

  4. My buddy has told me before that on dating apps when he’s trying to get to know someone he’ll pose a “This or that/would you rather” question or a question designed to get them to think about a ridiculous scenario. For example, “who would win in a fight between a dog with two legs or a blind raccoon.”

  5. – Excuse me, this is kind of random, but I thought you were cute and I wanted to meet you. I’m Brian (shake hand)

    – Hey, don’t mean to bother, but I thought you had a really nice smile and I like your energy. Here’s my number (hand it to her)…text me…I’d love to take you out for a drink. Have a great rest of the day. (Smile confidently and walk away)

  6. Give her your number and ask her out to a cup of coffee (She messages you then she’s interested, If not then no loss), Go to a Costa or Starbucks or something and just get to know them, Don’t go in with expectations of sexy time, Go in looking to get to know someone

  7. I do the ol compliment and walk away. If she is wearing a nice dress or cool shoes just kinda casually almost bump into her. Say sorry excuse me but as you start to turn away from her compliment whatever you noticed like it isn’t a big deal. That color looks nice on you, those boots are cool, but keep on walking away. Dont act like you are waiting for a response. Then find a way to be in the same vicinity as her again. But don’t engage her. If she is interested she will normally make it obvious and from my experience make an effort to engage you. If not then you dont suffer the embarrassment of being ignored or turned down.

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