What’s the biggest BS about women were you told when you were younger?

  1. Pretty much anything to do with hormones or sex. That we’re more “complicated” then men. Things like that, still hear a lot of it to this day.

  2. If you don’t know how to cook, clean, and wash you aren’t the ‘wifey’ material

  3. There was no reason to learn about my body beyond “ew periods” and “ew pregnancy” how both could ruin a man’s life and I was suppose to depend on my future husband to educate me about my body. He would have the proper names for all of my parts and he was responsible for ushering me into womanhood (have sex) so I better not explore down there since it’s for him and his pleasure and not for me. So glad I didn’t listen to that bull.

  4. If I don’t have a good job, making a lot of money, no woman will date me. – my mother.

  5. That virginity was important and sex was shameful. Purity culture is a trip

  6. That girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Not a fucking one is made of that.

  7. How divorces were so frowned upon. The judgemental looks that divorced women would get for apparently breaking their own houses – So much taboo being attached to divorces (still is but it still got better with time)

  8. a boy told me that his mom told him that if a female has messy nails she has a messy life

  9. “If you play basketball, your boobs will get bigger”- my grandmother

  10. Womanhood = motherhood

    Period pain is normal (I’m talking about that type of pain that keeps you in bed for 2 days while you’re wishing to just die)

  11. That the highest calling I should aspire to was wife and mother. Fortunately, my parents didn’t buy that and encouraged me to go as far as I could in school, so I wouldn’t have to depend on a husband to take care of me.

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