How important is your hair color to your overall “look”?

  1. I would say quite important. I am a natural redhead and I honestly cannot picture myself with any other hair colour

  2. Not at all. I kind of wish I was a natural blonde so I could switch it up on a whim with dye and not have to bleach it first

  3. Important. Hair is one of our features, it can also help define race (not all the times). For example, if you see a natural Blondie, there is a good chance that person may be white. I’m Asian, and I have super dark hair. Sometimes hair can also match our skin tones. Like someone with red skin undertones will look better with Mocha Brown hair then other people.

  4. I’m 55 and have my natural hair. Being able to say that my dark brown hair is my natural color is great–I’m proud of the lack of grey (even though it’s really the luck of the draw).

  5. I have unnatural hair color. It comes with the whole package of how I dress. My wardrobe wouldn’t work with normal people hair color.

  6. Very, I’m very particular about my look, I don’t wear make up because i just really hate changing my appearance- it’s the reason I haven’t dyed my hair, my natural look is natural too me anything else doesn’t feel right

  7. Extremely. Black hair is part of my identity. I was told for years that it wouldn’t go with my skin tone, but I love the way it looks.

  8. Very important for me! I have a very bold and expressive style including tattoos, piercings, makeup, jewelry, and other accessories. It’s all about expressing myself and hair is just as much a part of that as anything else.

  9. in high school my crush had light blonde hair. He was such a prettyboy and I daydreamed about him 24/7. Then he became my boyfriend. It wasn’t his natural color and Overtime it faded and it was just light brown/dirty blonde again. He was still beautiful but idk I think I prefer the kinda “feminine” look. Hes my husband noe I asked him if he could get his hair done again so his hair could look like it did back then. On our anniversary he came home with that bleach blonde hair I remember, only now he had our baby in his hands ❤️❤️❤️


    14 year old me would be SO PROUD

  10. I was born with non-descript bland blonde hair that just seems to blend into my forehead so that it doesn’t look like I have a hairline, my face just merges into my head. I hate it so much, and it definitely doesn’t express the real me. I “identify” as a redhead. The first time I realized this was the first time I died it the right red tone. I looked in the mirror, and it was like I recognized myself for the first time. My immediate thought was, “Oh, there I am!”

    Red hair expresses my inner essence.

  11. I’m self conscious about my hair color. I used to have beautiful blonde hair. In my late 20s I started to have gray hair and white hair. So I buzzed it for over a decade. I grew my hair last year and I didn’t like it, because i look much younger, and some coworkers thoughts I was in my late 40s. So I buzzed my hair and I got compliments, but I miss having long hair.

    Anderson Cooper has amazing haircut, because his hair is all white. My hair is a mess when it comes to gray and white. It’s all over the place.

  12. I’m vain so it’s low key kinda important. I have a deep complexion, I’m dark brown. My hair is dark brown, but not as dark as my skin. I HATE it. I dye my hair jet black. I think my natural hair color makes me look washed out.

  13. Important. If I accidentally dye my hair darker shade than I wanted I’ve cried in front of a mirror.

    No idea why, my natural hair color is super dark brown and I had that for the first 23 years of my life without problems. Now if the end result of dying my hair is more similar to my natural hair color I for some reason can’t handle it at all.

  14. Its fairly important I like my hair color how it is. it gives me a really pretty natural beauty look I think that I like… like an innocent girl next door look. Or even forest fairy. I’ve thought about changing my hair color (which I’ve had almost every color when I was younger) but I don’t think it would suit my “vibe” or style anymore. I’m a very soft and chill person and my hair matches that. I have a nice medium brown hair color. Maybe Mushroom brown? I don’t know. I feel like a lot of people don’t appreciate their brown hair because they think it’s boring, but I think it’s a very charming hair color that’s also diverse to pretty much any aesthetic style.

  15. I dont like my natural hair colour because it doesnt fit well with my favorite style (goth). But It’s slowly turning grey (started with 20y and now I’m 27) and thats really nice 🙂

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