Met this girl about 6 weeks ago. Had some great dates, taking it pretty slowly. She invited me over to her place about two weeks ago, had some real intimacy and a deeper conversation about compatability and some things (religion) that might be dealbreakers long term. Ended the night positively, saying we would sleep on things. Next day she was immediately texting and conversation continued as normal which seemed like a good sign.

We were both leaving on vacations a week later for a while so I set up a call during the next week to try and talk again and clarify things before that. I asked if she wanted to be exclusive and the response i got was she was still thinking about what we talked about. Then last minute, before the vacations, she asked for another call and I was expecting some resolution, but it was just a casual conversation.

Now i am back in town, she is still away, but we’ve continued texting every day. It seems like no change is good change in this situation until she returns, but the waiting is killing me. I just don’t want to push the issue when i already probably moved too fast. (to be clear, i don’t believe there is another guy or guys in this situation)

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