I have absolutely no idea about that stuff, never been taught about it in school. Where can I educate myself on the matter?

  1. Why on Earth would you ask a bunch of dudes instead of just asking her?

  2. Woman here! Make sure she has pain pills for her cramps if she takes them. Let her chill. Cuddle with her & relax. Maybe watch a movie or something together. Usually my lower back is a bit sore too so offer to give her a back massage if hers is sore

  3. She’s probably pretty use to it by now hahaha. Don’t try to sleep with her and if she’s a bit more negative than normal don’t bring it up. Otherwise just be the normal you.

  4. Ask her what she’d like. Heat pad, tea, comfort, space, a bath…

    Where to find out, google? Learn how tampons work, TSS, cups- how they work- cramp relief, pads, relief, and go ahead and listen to women on Ted talk you tube or whatever who have different reproductive issues like endometriosis or anemia. I’m sure there are books on it, I don’t know any atm.

  5. Girl here.

    First of all – you are a good man.

    Second of all – painkillers, comfort food, hugs, maybe a warm water bottle if she’s in a lot of pain. Don’t get mad if she’s a little bit cranky – it’s not about you, it’s just hormones.

  6. That’ll depend entirely on her, the day of the cycle, the way the wind is blowing ( if shes anything like me)…

    Ask her what she prefers. Maybe once shes off this cycle. Key questions are preferred painkiller, preferred snacks, action movies or sappy or romance, preferred heat pack – hot water bottle, wheat bag, yes sex or HELL no.
    She’ll have most of this sorted already, but pay attention. And don6t blame her if she cant find that one pair of pants/bra/top and cries, because bloating is a bitch and it sucks to feel fat because you cant fit your normal clothes.

  7. Post your question on askwomen! And helpwise, asking her what she needs/wants is usually the way to go (:

  8. First thing to do is calm down its normal, don’t freak out.

    It’s different from women to women. Where everything variates, some bleed alot, some get emotional alot, some experience cramps alot.

    If she bleeds on something by accident, don’t blame her, just tell her to clean herself up while you fix the rest, don’t make a big deal out of it – if she freak out about it, just calm her down.

    If it’s cramps just help her ease the pain, provide pain killers, I’ve head heating blankets can help too, I think they are called that at least.

    If it’s emotional it’s kind of tricky, so have fun with that.

    Oh also the best advice I have to give you;

    Ask her.

  9. When the river runs red ………

    ………Take the dirt track instead

  10. let her rant to you, listen to her and buy her something to eat. you have to feed the little demon to tame it!

  11. Something for pain. Hot shower. PJs. Hot water bottle. Foot massages. Blankets. Snacks. Grilled cheese. Trash TV. Hugs. Patience. Be ready to agree that everything you do is insanely stupid and annoying.

  12. Do you have a father or uncle who is married?

    Ask them.

    Mine told me to not ask what she wants. Just say, “I’m gonna get your bath ready.”

    “Let me make you a hot tea and a light a few candles.”

    Pamper her, she doesn’t want 20 questions. Does Jeeves ask the Princess what she wants? No!! Jeeves should already fucking know what she wants and should never ask and just do

  13. 1. Get her comfort foods. (chocolates/ice cream/etc…) what ever she craves.
    2. Tampons
    3. Hot water bottle
    4. Just be on call.

  14. Pads or tampons


    Ice cream

    Hot water bottle



    Cook a nice dinner

  15. It’s a normal body function which occurs monthly. It’s not as if she’s dying. I don’t understand why males and females alike make so much fuss about it ? Just go about your normal behaviour without unnecessarily escalating minor issues. Similarly pms is no excuse to acting super bitchy to your bf.

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