I noticed her like a couple months ago when she laughed at a bad joke I made and so I started talking to her and found out she was into me, and we had a few conversations we hit it off and I was into her. We see each other for a few minutes everyday in the morning then she goes to uni and I go to study. We are the same age,19, and whenever she sees me she smiles and I smile when I see her. So I asked for her number and she said she’ll give it but I have to wait the next day. So I end up waiting a week and she gives me the first two digits I’m like ??. So then I ask for her Instagram and she waits another week to give me her Instagram. So then we follow each other but when I text her she doesn’t reply. So when I saw her the next day I didn’t smile at her so then she said “what’s wrong?” I said you don’t text me back. And I said that I got annoyed, “she told me please don’t end things now because of this, it’s complicated I can’t text. Don’t take it to heart”. We haven’t stated officially what we are but we both only have eyes for each other. I just wanna know if this is normal for a girl and any thoughts on the situation

1 comment
  1. Time to pull away. If she liked you and was interested she’d just give you her number.

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