Assuming you are sober or tipsy. She is making typos in her texts, saying weird things, acting crazy and clearly very drunk.

Would you still be down to sleep with her or what would you do?

Based on my experience, I would say 80% of guys don’t care how drunk I am, 20% will immediately stop talking to me if I make a typo or trip/fall when I’m drunk. They will send me home in an Uber and talk to me in the morning.

  1. Legally you really shouldn’t do this. Plus you never know how the chick is going to react the next day.

    If its your own partner and have an established relationship then its generally a non-issue. But that does depend on the type of partner you are with. Some women are fine with being woken up with sex for example, others will freak the fuck out about it and say you are raping them. So it comes down to knowing who you are with and how they’ll respond to things which shouldn’t be an issue if you’ve been together for awhile.

  2. Nope. That’s a bootytrap that’ll blow your legs off if you step on it the wrong way.

  3. In today’s feminist world, if a man and a woman are both drunk and they have sex, he’s a rapist and she’s a victim. If he’s sober then go directly to jail. To not pass Go, do not collect $200

  4. Is it your girlfriend/wife? I think that matters here. If not, don’t do it. Just cuddle or something and if she still wants to smash in the morning have at it.

  5. No, that’s a case waiting to happen drop her off at her house, get a witness, record the event, go home and Jack off.


  6. Putting the law aside for a moment, don’t do it. It’s not right and it’s not fair. She’s not in a right frame of mind and if you’re in a position to realize that and she isn’t that means you’re taking advantage of her in a vulnerable situation.

  7. Is she already at my place? Does she have people that can take care of her drunk ass?

    If yes, then no, then she’s taking my bed, and I’ll send her on her way when she can take care of herself.

    If yes to both, then get one of them to do it for me, either pick her up or leave her with them, idc.

    If no, then yes, same as above only the pickup is a public location or wherever the hell we are.

    If no to both, then I guess we are going to my place, then we are enacting the first plan.

    If she’s texting me to hook up and it’s obvious that she’s blitzed, which is the vibe I think OP meant to give off, I’m going to go for the risky and controversial maneuver of… trying to make sure she doesn’t do that with anyone. I assume that since my number is in her phone she’s at least an acquaintance, I don’t just hand that out to people willy-nilly. So maybe I can figure out if she’s with any other mutual friends or by herself and try to go from there.

  8. Hooking up with intoxicated men or women is not ok. They can’t make a good judgement in most cases so it’s best to wait until they are sober and if they still want to go there, they will make that decision with a clear mind and (hopefully) not regret it later.

  9. Personally , if they are that drunk i think the sex would be trash. Whats the point? Everyone would feel like shit. I like communicating during sex, how
    you going to even enjoy it if theyre trashed?

  10. #NOPE

    Consent violation, and drunkenness is a MAJOR turnoff for me. My grandfather was an alkie. Sore spot.

  11. Nope, drive her home and make sure she’s is safe. Never ok to do anything while she is drunk.

  12. My texts are all typos all the time. Not sure I would realize a person was drunk from typos. If we have a current sexual relationship already, probably wouldn’t think much of it. If she was a rando, I ain’t trying to get charged with rape. But there is a difference in having a few drinks and being so drunk you are unable to consent.

  13. As sketchy and vulnerable people are I wouldn’t do it just for safety reasons

  14. Your speculation is about as science based as the answers in this post will be honest.

  15. It really depends on the drunkin state and if its a girl i know (relationship/FWB/etc) or a rando I picked up somewhere.

    If I know here, we have something going long term, I’d still follow through, provided she wasn’t slurring speech, stumbling, etc.

    If it was somebody I met/picked up at a bar, any sign of being drunk and its a ‘lemme get your number and I will call you tomorrow so we can schedule a date.’ type of thing.

  16. If she is texting you saying come over and hook up that’s cool but if your at a bar or a party and you do it it’s taking advantage of her and it’s wrong

  17. Depends on our history. If the plan was clearly come by for drinks and dick I’m delivering. I’m not going to pick her up in that state without any history

  18. She’s drunk and I’m sober, that’s a hard no unless we’re already in a relationship

  19. Depends on a few things. Mainly if that’s our first time hooking up. But that level of drunk the first time. And a booty call. It’s a no for me dawg.

  20. I’m so turned off by drunk people it ain’t happening. Even alcohol on her breath without being drunk would be enough to kill it for me.

  21. I don’t just hook up with women and I don’t do drink sex as I don’t like it as much.

  22. I’m not a fan of prison and even sober girls make accusations, so that’s a hard stop for me.

  23. Back in 1999, sure, no brainer. Mutual fun. In 2022 – hell no. A girl who has had even one drink cannot legally consent to sex. Not worth a rape charge. This is the world now.

  24. Avoiding like the goddamn plague.

    Edit: **please look after yourself, ma’am**

  25. Nope. Was “raped” by an ex while I was blacked out. That’s a hard no in my books.

  26. This only became an issue recently, people have been having drunk sex for millenia. As long as you are conscious and able to communicate, you can give consent. This whole “drunk people cant consent” is bullshit.

  27. Only if I’m equally drunk and obviously don’t think straight anymore.

    A drunk girl while I’m essentially sober? No, absolutely not.

  28. I don’t bang drunk girls, I’ll wait til your sober so you can remember how good it was and call me for more.

    That’s my reason and I really don’t like sex with drunk girls. First one pukes on your junk and you never want to try that again

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