What is the creepiest supernatural moment that has happened to you?

  1. Think I was about 13 when this happened. Used to share a room with my sister and we had bunk beds. One night, while my sister was elsewhere, I’m lying on the bottom bunk doing some reading before bed, when I suddenly become distinctly aware of someone breathing. It was a steady breathing sound, and I can still remember that sound to this day, how clear it was. The breathing sound was coming from the top bunk and I remember thinking that if I were to stand up and have a look, I would definitely see someone sitting on the top bunk. My biggest fear was that I would stand up, see someone and they would turn slowly and look at me. So I must have stayed there for half an hour, frozen in suspense, listening to the rise and fall of the ‘person’ sitting above me. Eventually, I screwed up the courage enough to get up and scarper out of the room, but I didn’t dare look back and see who it was. Just in case 😂

  2. I was passenger on a road trip and we drove past this old burnt down shack, and I saw this 6 ft black shadow in the doorframe just leaning there. I begged for us to go back and my husband relented I got out and walked around the shack, eventually thinking I’m crazy then I felt someone’s finger trace up my neck and could have sworn I heard a deep whispered laugh. That was 10 years ago and I still think about it all the time.

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