This moment when you meet an acquaintance and you don’t know if you should greet them or not. It is so embarrassing.
For exemple this morning I ran in my subway and realized that there was this guy I discussed with 2 years ago. We met in 3 parties but not more.

I greet him because I kind of appreciated our discussions and we were stuck in the tube and he was 1meter away from me lol
I thought it was more embarrassing to say nothing.
He was with earpods so I gently put my hand on his shoulder. Lol Im so cringe because now I think it was maybe intrusive + he was probably trying to avoid me. ^^’
Our little discussion was a bit awkward and even I felt he was not at ease.

My boyfriend told me I should have ignore him lol ^^’

PS : I precise I’m french, because american people would probably think differently

1 comment
  1. I’m not french, I’m swedish and overe here we pretty much ignore each other whenever possible, haha. Not really but pretty much like that. I would never greet a person I’ve met three times, two years ago. Maybe just a nod with my head if he/she made eye contact. Especially if the person had earpods in. I think it’s a clear statement that he/she wants to be alone.

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