girl, im trying to talk to seems indifferent and feels like she talking to multiple people and having hard time putting the time in in her messages.

while appreciate her replying im only getting low quality messages….

how can i change this? or am i delusional? or maybe im just boring her to death?

  1. How is she in person? That’s a much better indication of someone’s interest level than messages.

  2. She’s not interested in you. You move on to someone who is interested in you.

    If you find that you consistently have this problem then you could be boring. But talking about topics that don’t interest you is fake and unproductive because eventually you’ll want to be yourself and then the whole relationship will be built on a lie.

    I’ve had a lot of really terrible pen pals over the years. They just have nothing interesting to say. I write 3 pages of news and thoughts and ask questions about their opinions on various topics. I get a sentence response back. No thanks, stamps are expensive.

    It doesn’t matter how much effort you put into a conversation, it takes 2 to participate! I’ve ended many a pen friendship because I was doing all the work.

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