Hey Guys! Im new here…. so… I met this girl and I really like her. We have been on two dates so far. We slept together on our second date (we didnt have a condom so no genital penetration though)

We were both looking forward to our third date but then her exam came up along with a hiking trip + a Wedding. And now im in another part of the country (work) so no third date. The thing is… whenever i text her it usually takes a few days for her to respond which makes me feel insecure as to where she stands ? I kind of need to know what she wants to do with me. (Her profile says she is looking for something casual)

Btw we both came out of relationship half a year

Should i text her to tell her how i really feel and ask her what she is interested in?

  1. You’ve been on two dates. I think you need to slow down and relax about where this is going.

  2. No dont, when women are interested in talking to a man they will give you a lot of their energy. It sounds like she considers it a casual thing which is understandable since youve only been on two dates. If you think you’re investing more than she is and it becomes burdening then i would move on but for now just enjoy it and not worry too much

  3. > Should i text her to tell her how i really feel and ask her what she is interested in?

    Nope, sounds like you’re both busy and you’ve only been on two dates. Chill out, make occasional small talk if you want and stop expecting quick texts back, then set up another date once you’re in each other’s vicinity again.

  4. Thanks for the reply guys! You are awesome! Best thing would be to just chill for the time being and then text her whenever I get back and see where it goes from there.

    I must admit… I was surprised how hooked i felt after the second date … but now i feel much more grounded

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