So im a student and i recently moved countries for a summer job at something similair to a hotel.

I went back to my country for a week for doctors visits etc

My coworkers asked me if i can bring them painkillers that their country doesnt carry.
One said if i want money upfront but i declined.
Each pack is like 10€ and the two of my coworkers ordered 3 each so alltogether it would cost me roughly 60 €

Would it be good manners if i just gave it to them for free as a gift (tho i dont really like them) with discount (the way i want to go) or full price.

I have hard time accepting money due to raging inferiority complex and endless amount of guilt and unworthiness lol

Im so confused and dont know what to do, i feel so stupid writing this ahaha

So i was just wondering what a normal functioning human would do in my situation hah thanks

Edit: coworkers in the title haha fml

  1. Since u don’t really like them i would go with full price.
    I got similar problem so usually i go with full price (unless it’s something like water/chocolate bar, then for free) for people i don’t really like (they are not friends)
    Discount i would consider going there, buying etc because it takes time and probably some petrol/ticket

  2. I’d do full price or even full plus +10% for you since you went out of your way to get this.

  3. Don’t let it worry you so much . You said your really not friends,don’t go out of pocket for them. Your already doing them a huge favour for grabbing it for them.

  4. I mean, one of them asked if you wanted to get paid upfront, and you declined.

    If you hadn’t declined the offer I would definitely say make them pay the full amount or a premium because you went out of your way to bring it to them.

  5. Hey, Im concerned about the fact that they cant get those drugs from their country. Id suggest looking into this because you could get into a ton of shit carrying this back with you through the airport.

    Its also concerning that they want painkillers.. unless its something like ibuprofen or acetaminophen or like a535 cream, this is really inappropriate to ask for. If they cant get it in a prescription from their physician, they shouldnt randomly be outsourcing from a diff country. And if youre charging them for it, idk how the law would perceive that bc then youre actually selling them drugs…

    Tell them you spoke to your parents and they said no lol. This is not a good idea.

  6. Full price, maybe add a handling fee for your trouble.

    One thing to check is are the drugs simply unavailable in their country or are they illegal there?

  7. Drug smugglers are usually paid on product + risk, so math accordingly.

    If you don’t like them, then fuck em. Sounds real sketch tho

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