About a month ago, I visited a local grocery store I usually never visit. At the info desk near the exit, I had eye contact with an employee for what felt like about 10 seconds. I was surprised, but also blocked because I was with my mom and we aren’t very close so I naturally did not approach her.

I feel like I will heavily regret if I don’t try to approach her in the future, but the problem is that even when I’m alone. I don’t know how to deal with this situation. I don’t know what to say, especially if she has colleagues around her. The fact she works at the info desk rather than inside the store also makes it a bit harder.

  1. Eye contact may mean attraction, but may not. Maybe she looked at you because you were looking at her, or she was just being nice or attentive to a customer. I don’t think there is anything wrong with not approaching her. Most people don’t approach service workers, not saying its wrong if you do. I sometimes do a bit of small talk with service workers, like comment about something in the environment, not to date but just to talk.

  2. It’s not cool to approach people at work and try to flirt with them because they have to be nice to you and they can’t leave.

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