I went on a wonderful first tinder date on Sunday with a guy, and everything went well. We had previously chatted on the phone with video a couple of days before.

I found that he is very closed up and doesn’t show a lot of signals. He commicates well, and looks into my eyes alot, but I don’t no where I stay. He said he would like to see me again, but I was the more expressive one. He did kiss me, twice and the sexual is definitely present.

But everytime I talk on WhatsApp I really struggle to communicate, I feel I’m permanently overthinking, but if he video calls me I’m fine. The overthinking is driving me up the wall, I don’t like feeling like this but I feel I’m a little in the dark. I feel confused about how feels about me as doesn’t show much enthusiasm, but when asked he does want to see me again.

I feel that he is going to ghost me, but he wouldn’t of been so passionate kissing me and said twice that he wants to see me again. Am I thinking wrong?

Any advice?

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