Hi all. Hope you’re all well. I’m a British guy & I’m looking to come to the US early some time next year. Where will my accent get me the most dates/hookups? I’m tall, I scrub up well, in good shape, naturally tanned (I’m of South Asian descent but born & raised in England) and I have good banter/sense of humour. I don’t have trouble talking to girls. I have been in two long term relationships and never been single in my adult life until now so looking to have some fun & laughs with some cool ladies. If there is anyone who’d want to hang out when I come & show me the hotspots, even better.
Thanks in advance!

  1. I don’t know about your accent specifically, but I think dating in urban areas tends to be better just because there are more people and more diverse people there.

  2. Florida.

    I mean, I’ve met several here and it seems to be the #1 vacation spot because we have sun lol

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