Not sure where else to post so thought I’d post here…

I was at this networking event and met this angel investor. We got on really well and he seemed quite keen in investing and wanted to know more. He introduced me to his partner who’s this conventionally stunning model (both are in their late 30s/40s). I spoke to her for a while and she started flirting slightly but I didn’t think much of it. We swapped contacts as she wanted my number but again she’s not from the UK and I just thought she was being friendly.

Fast forward a couple of days ago she sent me a message asking to meet up. I said it would be great to see her and him (the investor) and that id bring my business partner too. She said she’ll get back with time/date. Messaged today saying her partner won’t show as he’s busy but she still wants to get a drink with me….

Now it might just be a friendly gesture and she’s just trying to make friends in the UK. If I turn her down she might get offended and itll reflect badly and so jeopardise me getting an investment. Or if I say yes and she does like me and her husband finds out then….

Atm I’m thinking about just playing it by the ear and seeing her for a drink

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