Men, what are some of your best improvised dates?

  1. A really good improvised date takes at least a week worth of planning. They are similar to improvised speeches in that regard.

  2. Attending a blood donation event accidentally worked very well once. The downside is that a couple hours later, I had to have sex while a pint short of blood.

    (And yes, this story is true.)

  3. To catch the sun. Breakfast on the east coast at sunrise on the beach. Or a restaurant over looking the beach. Dinner on the west coast at sunset. I live in Florida. It’s like a two or three hour drive one way. Breakfast then kill a few hours somewhere in-between. Then onto dinner. Drive back in the dark.

  4. I live in Florida so if we’re bored and have a lot of time to kill the beach is always an option. And since we have multiple coasts to choose from, and multiple types of beaches and multiple areas in addition to parks as well, literally any improvised date night or day can become beach trip

  5. I live in a town about a few hours away from a beach. A lot of my high school friends went to that specific beach. I didn’t (and still don’t) have a car so I couldn’t go myself, and I also wasn’t invited to these beach trips. My family has a beach house at that beach.

    Fast forward to college and I asked a female friend (who had a car) if she could take me to that beach. We ended up walking around and splashing in the waves like happy little puppies 🙂

  6. Honestly? Cooking.

    Find a fun recipe you both like, go to the store and grab ingredients and maybe some wine.

    Start cooking and drinking, put on music and dance while you cook. It’s simple, fairly cheap, and romantic so long as you both know some basic culinary skills.

  7. Going for a drive about an hour or so into the countryside with some blankets and pillows, pulling up in a dark field and lying on the bonnet of the car with pillows and cushions under us and the blanket over us to keep us warm while we watched the sky for shooting stars.

  8. Haha I don’t do lunch dates/daytime dates as planned dates… But on the topic of dates that are improvised –

    There have been times when lunch needed to be eaten by both me and some nice young lady, and I saw a valuable opportunity… Basically, I just guided things so that instead of both of us doing our own thing for lunch like normal, a park bench became the place for us to discover whether conversation clicked and raised mutual romantic interest or not.

    Afterwards – just like that, it was as if an initial “coffee date” had been completed and we both were clear that we wanted to meet again for dinner. Or else not. 😂

  9. Pottery lol I had a pottery class set up then it turned out I bought two coupons so I asked some random girl on tinder it ended up being a really fun date super last min

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