I’ve (22f) been talking to a girl (24f) on Hinge and then through texts for a week now. Things seemed to be going really well, stuff like “go to bed, I’ll still be here tomorrow”, “let me know when you get home safe”, “sorry I couldn’t talk much but I hope you had a really good day”, and “that’s okay, we all come with baggage” (we’ve both previously been in long term relationships and been engaged, which is what that’s referring to). She was on vacation and came home on Sunday but was still taking the time to text me when she was out of town (she lives an hour away from me, but for the gays™️ that’s not too bad lol).

The last time I heard from her was Sunday morning (it’s now Tuesday). I texted her Sunday evening to say I hope she got home safe and that she had a good day. Things were going really well and like I said she was on vacation so maybe she’s just been getting back into the swing of things and been busy. Would it be bad if me to shoot her a “hey, I hope you’re doing okay!” tomorrow? Personally what I really like about her is that she made sure to let me know I was on her mind, so maybe if I do that back she’ll respond? Lol. I have no idea if she’s active anywhere else but it hasn’t said she is active on Hinge.


  1. I’d just do it, it’s not like you’re clinging on to her 24/7.
    It’s been a few days so just text her, if she doesn’t wanna talk she’ll tell you

  2. No…just wait. Id wait til Friday. But more importantly, if give her ample opportunity to respond to your text from Sunday night. You keep texting her like this, may come off a bit overbearing. But let her respond to your initial text hoping she got home safely. Then wait until at earliest Thursday night.

  3. Why haven’t you asked her out yet? Imo with online dating you can’t say things are going well until you actually go out and meet them in person

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