do guys care about how vulvas look or have preferences ??

  1. I suppose, but typically by the time I see it, the preference is for the person its attached to.

  2. Some people will have a preference, but for the overwhelming majority it doesn’t matter. Even for those with a preference, it kinda becomes a thing of oh hey here’s a thing I like a lot vs oh hey here’s a thing I really like a lot.

  3. *google vulva as to not make a fool out of myself*

    Oh, no. The outer parts of the female body can be so utterly unique it’s hard to have a hard set preference. Everyone woman I’ve ever seen, including real ones and fake ones, has looked very attractive to me down there.

    Do some look different? Yes. Can I appreciate differences, yes. Does that make it easy to rank vulvas by look, no impossible.

  4. To a degree. Clean and looks good is nice. If it looks like someone threw a hand grenade into the deli counter meat section… then no I am not interested.

  5. I have slight preferences but it’s a flavors of ice cream sorta deal. Whichever you give me I’m gonna lick it.

    Women worry a lot more about this than men, IME. We are sensitive to smell. I don’t mean it should smell like flowers, it shouldn’t and please don’t douche, but if the pH or the microbiome is out of whack we can tell and will he way more hesitant to come visit til that’s cleared up.

  6. I think 90% of the time it’s okay. But there are some that are a turn off that I probably would not be into

  7. I like the Pammy / cheese burger look. Neatly packaged and shaved.

    I don’t like the Donner kebab look

  8. Same for pussies as for breasts, eyes, faces or personality:

    Men who have a choice have a preference.

    Men who have little or no choice say they like anything.

    You can spot a guy who has no choice from a mile away, they’re the ones who say, “oh no! All women are beautiful and lovely down there! They’re all different like works of art!”.

    What this means is, “I can’t afford to rule out any chance of sex so my best strategy is to tell every woman they’re perfect”.

  9. I’m not picky about that, as long as the hygiene is proper. Lips are lips, and they’re for kissing in certain contexts.

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