I am traveling with my emotional support animal to Manhattan soon for two weeks and am looking for a nice and affordable place to stay that welcomes more exotic pets.
I was thinking maybe a hotel run by Hindus? Lady Caca is a tame and very friendly Texas Longhorn girl. (Don’t worry, her horns are comparatively small.) I have traveled all over India with her without any problems and we both had a blast.

In NYC, I want to take advantage of as much of the broad cultural offerings as possible: Art, museums, jazz, bars…
It would be ideal if I could take my pet with me. If that’s not possible, at least a decent sized pasture should be within walking distance. Lady Caca does not like taking trains and hates noisy crowds.

All kinds of recommendations and advice are greatly appreciated!

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  2. You should also check out New York’s great selection of china shops. I understand they let bulls in, so Lady Caca should be quite welcome!

  3. Most people don’t know this, but NYC is probably the single most affordable places to live and visit. So enjoy!

  4. NYC has an acceptable assortment of steakhouses and bistros that would love to have Lady Caca.

  5. What’s funny about this post is that a huge chunk of the US hospitality industry is run by Hindus lolll

  6. I think you’ll be find. I visited Manhattan with a Danish friend of mine and most places would let him.

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