So about a week ago, I read on Reddit that a lady’s bf slapped her (without consent) while having sex and she wasn’t sure how she should feel about it (or something along that line). I showed it to my husband, who sided with the lady that her bf should’ve talked to her first before doing anything.

Now this is where things get interesting…

A little dive inside my husband and I sex life. We’re VERY OPEN, active, and down to try just about anything. I’m a little more “conservative” in the bedroom than my husband so a lot of the activities we partake in have to be okayed by me, per se. So once I read about the slap, I was very intrigued. I told my husband I wonder what’s that like? I can’t imagine hauling off and hitting someone while fucking, but I want to try it. Husband laughed a little and said he’d do it.

Fast forward to a few days ago.

My husband and I have had sex quite a bit since showing him the post and no slap. I’m now thinking ok I might’ve asked a bit much since my husband has never hit me before. We’re on the couch, and start randomly making out. We move from the couch, it’s been abused enough by us, to the bed. Sparing all the details, right before I orgasm *WHACK* my husband slaps me across the left cheek. I was stunned for a moment then burst out laughing then *WHACK* the other cheek followed by more hysterical laughter.

Once we finished, he told me he couldn’t let me know when, just that he’d do it. I was happy he did it that way because I would’ve backed out or threatened him lol but overall I enjoyed it and would recommend getting a little slap during sex. Yes, I’m weird but glad I tried something new.

  1. Just to confirm: you gave him consent to try it next time, and this is just not a heads-up? Like, you’d agree at a point where you were having sex he could slap you?

    Either way, glad it ended well

  2. lol I was thinking we were talking about a slap on the ass.. I almost spit out my coffee when I read it was your face! I have read about men slapping a woman’s breasts while fucking too.. is that a thing? How does that not hurt?

  3. I know everyone has their kinks, but, any hitting or violence is a hard no for me.

    I would be horrified. He would be history. Of course I would never give consent. And if the guy suggested it I wouldn’t be having sex with him.

    I am a treasure, not a punching bag

  4. Being slapped hard across the face is so fucking hot to me. Makes me cum instantly

  5. I got a good laugh out of this 🤣
    Thank you.

    And glad you enjoyed it.

  6. As long as you’ve enjoyed it. And had the consent talk before. I remember that post too. I was like nope. That’s a hard limit for me. I made it perfectly clear to my husband/Dom face hitting was a hard limit. My ass, my chest are up for slaps. Not my face.

  7. I feel like I could never do this, because I’d be afraid that my initial reaction would be to actually punch him back in the face lol.

  8. You are awesome. I can’t imagine doing this. My wife would beat the shit out of me. Doesn’t help that I have heavy calloused hands that would not feel good.

  9. I’ve been slapped and it’s just not my thing like I’m in my zone, why are you taking me out of it. 0/10 for face slaps for me. Now an ass slap is a diff story 😝
    But you do you boo and glad you like it lol

  10. It takes a very particular mood and my SO always confirms beforehand that I’m ok with it either verbally or with a look, but it can be very hot.

  11. Interesting to read those other perspectives as this is something that is… pretty standard for me; not exactly something I would consider particularly kinky.

  12. I’m not getting slapped in the face by anyone. I have shown my wife the angry dragon. When that jizz shot out of her nose she started laughing then said she believed it cleared her sinuses up.

  13. Well, when I tried that it made me cry it’s just too… yeah it hurts too much and it jars me so it’s not a positive. Would not repeat.

  14. One time i met a girl who was into bdsm and told me she liked getting slapped. We were having really heated sex and I just felt like slapping her face was the right thing to do in the moment. She yelled “OOOOOUCHHH WTF!!” I got soft real quick but after I explained that I misunderstood her she laughed it off thank goodness. Also to be fair she liked getting choked pretty hard so I was just getting mixed signals.

  15. My ex did this the first time we ever had sex… No warning or prior discussion about such activities… It really didn’t even bother me that much but it caught me way off guard and my first instinct was to hit him back which I obviously couldn’t do…yeah did I mention he’s my ex now?

  16. I accidentally bitch slapped an ex one during sex (I am very clumsy) while on top. He lost his boner within 2 seconds, needless to say he was very vanilla LOL

  17. My wife loves when I choke and slap her. Her pussy grips my cock harder when I do. Makes her cum so hard. I love it too.

  18. I have only ever had my ass slapped, and it completely killed the mood for me. Like WTF?? Lol As for any other place I don’t think I’d enjoy it at all. I cringe if I see it in porn

  19. My late husband slapped my face once during sex. Non consensual. I used my safe word and he did it again. We talked about it straight afterwards, no apology, just “I was caught up in the moment, it was just a bit of fun”.

    We never had sex again. This was about 5 years before he passed.

    The marriage was already rocky but that was one of the moments that made me realize, we’re done.

  20. That’s so funny… an ex did this to me (we had talked about it before) the same way when I was NOT expecting it. Hit me hard too. I had to stifle laughter and try and be serious but I found it super funny just like you. It was so jarring but not in a bad way? The contrast between pleasure and such an unexpected aggressive act was… intriguing 🤣

  21. Very Interesting post. I’d have to agree that the slap would be much more effective if you didn’t know it was coming. Obviously within reason. I can’t see anyone taking a slap full force in the face.

    What did you like about it OP? You said you were conservative has this up with you up a little bit more? What would you be willing to try next?

  22. I like being slapped. But it has to be the right kind of sex. If I am making love with my BF, I don’t want anything like that. But, if I have a tough day, I love my hair pulled and face slapped among other rough things.

  23. My husband enjoys it as well. I don’t like it in the face but I like getting hit elsewhere. It’s all about consent.

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