How did you feel the first time you found out the person you liked liked you back?

  1. I was pissed at myself and at the world because I’d waited too long and that person was dating someone else.

  2. It felt unreal. But now when I think about it, it makes me go – 🤢 Silly teenage crush.

  3. Pretty shocked. I’ve seen the caliber of women he’s dated and he obviously has/had a type. Time kinda froze for me when I gathered he was flirting back

  4. who is afraid to die, that is not born. I (W17) told him (16M) out of nowhere, “hey, I like you” he turned very red and started to shake, I didn’t understand what he said the first three times, until he shouted “I like you, deaf” we are young and stupid to have a formal relationship, we have only been dating for months and we are doing great, he’s my drama queen.

  5. I honestly didn’t believe it at all lol. I thought it was going to be a sick prank played on me or something. Took a while for me to believe it

  6. Over the moon, absolutely in love, 100% in it for them. I was 15 at the time. People even commented that my text messages seemed more feminine after I found out. I was a gobsmacked mooncalf the second I found out. I miss being that young where crushes could get me so damned high on life.

  7. Exhilarated, euphoric, followed by massive anxiety: “wait, it’s too good to be real, hence it can’t be real, something bad will surely follow”…

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