I’m mainly venting. Me (F22) and my husband (M26) are currently living at his parents house and I’m 5 1/2 months pregnant. We live in the basement. I’m huge on privacy and personal space in general and am not 100% comfortable because it can be awkward at times, and I’m sure anyone who’s lived with their in laws at one point can agree.

Well today my husband was at work while I was in our room and I locked the door just in case because I like to be in my underwear while in bed. I heard someone coming downstairs and then felt someone jiggling my doorknob. I said hello but no one answered. Then footsteps walked away. Five minutes later I hear footsteps again and someone is jiggling at my doorknob. But this time I can tell someone is picking it and trying to unlock it. I pull the sheets over my legs really quick because I only had underwear on and it was perfect timing because then boom his dad opens the door. I was shocked.

He then tells me there’s a little water leaking in one of the spare rooms all the way on the other side of the basement, a room that we don’t use (which we already knew. It’s super mild too nothing like flooding) After he talked for a little bit he left. That’s literally the only reason he came and picked my lock. I’m wondering why he didn’t bother to text me to tell me that? Or answer when I said hello? Or talk to me through the door? Most importantly why did he feel the need to PICK my lock ??? It’s locked for a reason ?? There was nothing in there he needed. That is so inappropriate and such an invasion of privacy and I’m left feeling so uncomfortable and like I can’t relax and feel at ease and it sucks.

My husband has already talked to his fam about giving us more privacy and specifically mentioned to text me and ask before coming down because I could be showering, changing, etc. Plus we are living down here and would like our personal space as a married couple. I told my husband about it and he also thought it was very weird. It’s not the first instance I’ve had where his family members don’t have boundaries and I’m left in awkward situations but this one takes the cake. I can’t wait until we can afford our own place 😩 I’m not overreacting am I? Like that’s weird to other people right?

1 comment
  1. Your FIL was totally out of order so the answer to this question I’m going to ask doesn’t excuse what he did. But do you pay rent? He may see it as you’re a guest in his house so he can go anywhere he wants in his own house.

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