What would be a fun spontaneous surprise you could get in the next 24 hours?

  1. My mom letting me get a buzz cut. She said it wouldn’t look good bc it’s a black hair style. And im white.

  2. possibly a baby, my husband is taking me to the hospital to get my pregnancy pains checked out, i don’t want my baby to be born prematurely but maybe so by the looks of it, i don’t know for sure we will see what happens and what the doctor ends up doing

  3. A nice message from a friend or a conversation! All the other nice things seem way too impossible to happen.

  4. Plane tickets with complimentary hotel reservation and concert tickets to PTD Las Vegas 😂

  5. My fiancé returning super early from his trip, or work being canceled, or anything that will make the next week easier

  6. knowing for sure where I’ll be in May

    I’m being kicked out with my cat and have 3 options. waiting for the 18th to see if that option is accessible. if not, the much more difficult and stressful options will be considered.

  7. Since today is my birthday, maybe some flowers or a kind message from a friend.

  8. That my entire house would be packed for me and ready to go for my cross country move 😅

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