Men of Reddit, what DO you do on your first dates?

  1. I used to do dinner.

    Bad idea. Do something that’s cheap or free and can escalate into dinner.

    A nice park after work and some ice cream or coffee is great

  2. Usually grab a bite to eat or drinks or both. It’s probably 50/50 whether we sleep together on the first date. Either way, most important thing is to be yourself, have fun and be honest about intentions. Oh & wear protection.

  3. Depends on the circumstances, but if it’s a midday date then it’s either a coffee date or a light lunch. If it’s in the evening, it’s dinner followed by a leisurely walk outside and maybe stop for some drinks at a quiet lounge.

    That most unique one was when I brought a woman to my gun club for our first date. She was a shooting enthusiast and had never been to my gun club but really wanted to go, as it is pretty exclusive and has a very long wait list to become a member.

    Had another woman that I had come over to my house and we had dinner at my place, followed by a boat cruise (I live on a lake). Then I did a whiskey tasting for her at my bar, as I have a very sizable whiskey (and tequila and mezcal) collection. I don’t normally let women know where I live on the first date because it can make things awkward, but with this woman I had known her for a little while professionally prior to us dating, and she already knew where I lived.

  4. Well if my last and only 2 first dates are anything to go by, it’s being alone. I’ve been stood up by the only 2 women I’ve ever asked out so I’ve never really gone on a date

  5. Usually dinner. Idk what people do for fun; everything I like is pretty much stay-at-home stuff.

  6. Coffee – if it goes well, you can walk for ages afterwards, go into some stores etc – then turns into dinner if time allows

  7. Spent way too much money on my last first date. Don’t go to the Casino

  8. Try to make them laugh. I usually offer something simple and easy, like a walk, coffee, visit to the park, or at night a beer or 2. Makes it so there’s less pressure. I prefer to meet publicly too as it makes women more comfortable and it takes pressure off of thinking about anything physical on a first date. (Might do a kiss at the end of the night if it goes well)

  9. Coffee/brunch @ a cafe. Then make sure there is a park nearby so that you can go for a walk and change it up.

  10. Picnic at the park. A easy meal and have great views. Then pack up and go for a walk.

  11. I like going to galleries or museums, I find their pretty cheap and offer and great way to break the ice and start some good conversations.

  12. Usually go for drinks in the evening. Don’t have time to go on elaborate dates. If the vibe is not there just call it a night after a few drinks, if the vibe I there just keep the night going and frick her at my place

  13. Meet someplace casual, get to know one another. Mostly I ask a lot of questions and listen. Stretch the date out with a walk together if things are working well, or just say “Thanks, it’s been lovely chatting with you” and gtfo if they’re not.

    My favorite first date was the Art Museum (get a membership, it’s relatively cheap and well worth the investment. I think I did half a dozen first dates there in a single year). There was something to look at and talk about, it’s a quiet and uncrowded place.

  14. In general, I always like to do a thing.

    “Let’s go for a coffee/walk” first dates are just stupid, imo, because it then becomes a job interview, where each of you is hoping the other has something interesting to say.

    You go do a thing, like an art gallery, or an arcade, or an aquarium or something, and you at least have stuff to look at and conversation-starters. It’s in public, so it’s safe, there’s no booze, so the chance of having your drink drugged is low, and even if it’s a shitty date, at least you did something interesting. Besides that, visual stimulus tends to increase mental stimulus, which gets you talking, chatting and more relaxed.

    Sure, it might cost me $100 for a first date. But if it goes well, usually she’ll offer to buy drinks or a snack when we’re done, so it balances out.

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