What is your absolute favorite dessert to bake that cheers you up?

  1. Whatever I last baked. There’s always that ‘I’ve not baked for ages’ moment. So I bake. Whatever gets baked is the best baked thing ever.
    Until next time.

  2. Just those…peanut butter cookiw squares in a tin you put on a pan and wait 10 minutes for. Not a real baker! But it’s a great way to make sure I get them all

  3. Komish broit (Mandel bread) – chocolate marble
    It’s quick, easy, tasty, and reminds me of my grandmother.

  4. Crumble. Crumble of any kind- works great with pears in winter, any kind of summer fruit. It’s not too heavy as a dessert so it can be served after any meal. It even works for a fancy breakfast or brunch!

  5. Matcha sugar cookies with pine nuts 🤌🏽 they’re easy to make, not to sweet, and make for a good pick me up in the morning

  6. Mini cheesecakes (done in a muffin tin), little bit of shaved chocolate on some, fruit on others, and they’re already bite sized so no portioning or cutting/serving required!

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