My (28F) husband (30M) broke his Apple Watch. He wants to replace it…the dilemma is how he plans to do so. We recently decided to sit down and create a budget because we ended up with a lot of CC debt. It wasn’t the biggest deal because we have a good amount of savings and we used a portion to pay it off. However, we don’t want to dip into savings dedicated to other things to pay off CC. So we decided to adhere more strictly to the budget and only use the CC for necessary purchases.

So my problem is that instead of using his allocated spending money that is budgeted for stuff that he wants, he wants to put this purchase on his CC or pull from some other pile that’s dedicated for something else. His spending budget is ~300 month. He keeps arguing with me about why the watch is an essential purchase. I just don’t understand why it’s so hard for him to set aside money from his allocated spending budget. He does things like this often and it’s extremely frustrating because he doesn’t seem to want to adhere to the budget we set.

I find this behavior immature and it makes me question out future.

I should also add that I’m in school FT and not currently working.

  1. Remove the money from joint. His immaturity without countability will destroy your future.

  2. What does he need the watch for?

    When I got my apple watch I did so reluctantly because it was necessary for work. It allows me to not have to constantly have my phone in my hand outside work hours when I still have to glance at alerts from client computers to make sure they aren’t urgent.

    So it’s not a ‘want to have’ but a ‘need to have’. I could drop it tomorrow if I didn’t need it.

    That influences where the money would come from.

  3. You are not overreacting. He has a nice spending budget. If he wants it he can save for a few months. That is what you both decided on and he doesn’t get to renegotiate. A smart watch is not essential, its convenient.

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