Would want to remarry if your current or future marriage(for those unmarried)ended in divorce? Why? Also, is there an age at which your opinion would change?

  1. Mine ended in divorce. For me, what went away was search to get married. I’m open to it, but I would take more time for the euphoria of a new relationship to settle and for me to be able to assess the person’s “fit” with my perspective on things, preferences, etc., more objectively.

    I think the shift came from already having kids. It feels like I have more of the luxury of time. I’ve also learned how to be alone without being lonely. It’s not the same.

  2. I did. Even worse mistake. Not so much age- just once you hit the wall of exhaustion and depletion.

  3. I was recently widowed. I haven’t really processed it so I may change my mind a million times down the line but I don’t think I would ever get married again. I think it would just be too weird.

  4. nope, I’d just stay single. I’m 46 and don’t have the stomach, patience or time to build a relationship. I’d probably just have a side piece when I needed some but I’d concentrate on my kids, exercise, work, being with my friends and travelling.

  5. I prob would bc I like a reason to party/celebrate. I’m also a planner.

    But I have no strong opinion on it. I’m just thinking in terms of probability haha.

  6. No and no. Where I live you are financially better off unmarried. Especially at older age.

  7. Got married young and dumb. Ended in divorce and now with my current partner. We want to get married ceremoniously but not on government paperwork. Lots of things have changed between 18 and 27

  8. I’ve been divorced. I did not and do not wish to remarry. My opinion could change at any time if I met a person I actually would spend the rest of my life with, but it’s not looking promising.

  9. I am divorced. I am open to a committed relationship but I don’t think I will probably ever want to remarry.

  10. Probably not. I hated dating. If my marriage ended I would focus on my son, and spending time with friends and on hobbies.

  11. My 10 year marriage ended in divorce, but I will be getting married again next year. My first marriage should have never happened in the first place. There were so many things that I ignored when I got married the first time, so many reasons why it was doomed to fail. He was just the wrong person. When I got divorced I was content and settled with never marrying again. Thankfully, I ended up finding a man who is pretty much the exact opposite of my ex. This time, I’m older, more experienced, and know what I want and what I won’t put up with.

  12. I married in my mid 30’s now early 40’s. IF my relationship ended in divorce, I would not marry again. I would just go travel, volunteer and go do me.

  13. Not me, marriage for me is something you only need to experience once to get the gist of the whole ordeal.

    My husband is my favorite person in the world, and if we got divorced I couldn’t imagine going through the whole song and dance of modern dating just to get married. Marriage is what you make it, a piece of paper doesn’t mean anything.

  14. I don’t think I’d do it again if something happened to current hubby. I’d for sure be in a committed thing, might even have a service to celebrate with friends. But I would not want legal and financial entanglement. If I needed a POA for Healthcare or legal affairs that could be arranged for anyone I wanted, not only a spouse. I think the only reason for marriage is provision for children, or if one spouse gives up their work, financial provision for that.

  15. I will never marry again. I miss sex but not enough to remarry, and almost not enough to day either.

  16. I don’t think so. I’ve been with my husband too long and have five children with him. Anyone else would just feel weird to me. I’ve already had my life partner.

  17. I’m divorced. Currently I’m not looking to get married again because I have a good life and can’t see what marriage would add to it (other than a decent party, another divorce and possibly jeopardising my financial stability.)
    Call me cynical but I can’t ever imagine meeting a man who I would benefit from marrying (besides the tax break, that is).

  18. I’ve been divorced and remarried, but that was in my twenties. I’ve been with my current husband for nearly 25 years and I simply can’t imagine living with anyone else now.

    Never say never, I guess, but I definitely wouldn’t be looking for another relationship if he died

  19. I would not remarry and at no age would i change my mind. I don’t think marriage is necessary to be committed to a person. We got married on a whim after 4 years, a mortage, and children together. We are happy and don’t regret it, but it didn’t change anything so… is there a point?

  20. I don’t really know honestly. I’m married now and the thought of losing my husband makes me nauseous. It would definitely take time to move on and find someone new, but I don’t know if I’d ever actually remarry. It’s something I’d have to very seriously consider beforehand and would definitely depend on where I am in life and in my relationship.

  21. My husband I have talked about this, although it was in the terms if one of us died. We’ve been together for 14 years, married for 12, and I can’t see it ending in divorce at this point TBH, we’re both lifers.

    I wouldn’t remarry. I wasn’t particularly flexible when we met in my 20s, and I struggled to share my home and space and make the kind of compromises required for a happy marriage then. I’m even less flexible now, but I do compromise because my husband is the best person I’ve ever met, and he deserves it. But it is not my nature… I couldn’t imagine going through the rigmarole of dating and engagement and new marriage again.

    I also have a business and a variety of other investments, and feel like being financially independent plays into that decision, I wouldn’t need that kind of partner again. I’d have ‘special friends’ for sure, lol, but wouldn’t look to marry again.

    My husband on the other hand flat out said he’d remarry, after an appropriate mourning period of course 😆 Men tend to fare better in marriage vs unmarried men, he’s smart enough to recognize that.

  22. I married someone I didn’t really want to marry, in 2018.
    Decided to get a divorce in 2020. Finally divorced in 2021.

    I don’t see myself ever legally marrying someone again. The paperwork was such a pain in the ass, even though we had the easiest type of divorce process possible.

    I also didn’t enjoy the whole wedding thing- and we did both a private little one, with just us two, and also did a handfasting ceremony with a wizard and high priestess (because I said that if I had to do a wedding ceremony, I wanted to have a wizard).

    Maybe it was just the wrong person?
    I’m 30, but I don’t think I will be getting remarried. I want a life partner, and I don’t want to deal with the paperwork. 😂

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