So I recently went out on a date I met online me (24) her (23). I haven’t been on a date in quite sometime so I was excited to go on one. We really hit it off and decided to meet for dinner. She showed up a hour late, which was very frustrating. Turns out she doesn’t have a car and got a ride with her sister and sister’s boyfriend. She was apologetic for it and I shrugged it off. Turns out the sister and boyfriend would be joining us. That was never mentioned. Then first question I’m asked by her was if I liked kids. I felt it was an odd opening question like that, but I do want some in the future so yes. She then says good well I have one and are you okay with that? Mind you this was not mentioned at all on her dating profile, so I was really taken back by it. It’s not a total dealbreaker, but at the same time that should be something you’re forward about. I was uncomfortable about that being asked in front of her sister and sister’s boyfriend. I get it was nerves, but it didn’t sit right with me.
We have a good amount in common and I feel a connection could be there. At the same time I just feel like there’s something off about everything. She sent me the classic “I had a good time”, but I haven’t responded.

  1. >She *showed up a hour late*, which was very frustrating. Turns out she doesn’t have a car and got a ride with her sister and sister’s boyfriend. **ONE** She was apologetic for it and I shrugged it off. Turns out the *sister and boyfriend would be joining us*. **TWO** That was never mentioned. Then *first question I’m asked by her was if I liked kids*. **THREE** I felt it was an odd opening question like that, but I do want some in the future so yes. She then says good well I have one and are you okay with that? Mind you this was not mentioned at all on her dating profile, so I was really taken back by it

    Three strikes, she’s OUT (imo), and sounding clueless as to why (perhaps you should let her know your reasoning as much of it’s preventable).

  2. Nope. Someone who doesnt bring up having their kids until meeting in person is a horrible way to start a relationship.

  3. Bro just read your own post again and then you will be able to answer this question properly

  4. Always go with the gut feeling my guy. It’s not that any of the items by themselves are deal breakers. But the way it was introduced sounds off putting.

  5. I literally said “what the fuck” out loud.

    She is a walking red flag, please date someone else.

  6. uhhh. id be out on this one… she shows up an HOUR late, WITH HER SISTER AND BF, and then says she has a KID???? run away, and fast

  7. >She showed up a hour late

    WTF were you doing waiting for an hour? 15 mins with no text to say “running late sorry I’ll be there in 10” and I’m out. That’s just rude and disrespectful.

  8. I don’t think the connection will be worth the headache for you. If you know what’s good for you, move on!

  9. It really doesn’t sound worth it at all. I know you think you have a good connection but the amount of times I’ve thought that and been dead wrong is high that I’ve lost count.

  10. Showing up an hour late for a date is red flag enough, the rest is just red flag frosting on top of the red flag cake.

  11. Kids should always be mentioned in the bio. I have 3 kids and I make sure anyone who sees my profile will know up front.

  12. Don’t let her guilt you on any of it either. You’re allowed to say, Thanks, but no thanks. Not even sure I would give her any reasons except, not what I’m looking for.

  13. >She showed up a hour late,


    >the sister and boyfriend would be joining us. That was never mentioned.


    >She then says good well I have one and are you okay with that? Mind you this was not mentioned at all on her dating profile,


  14. you had me at one hour late, there is ZERO way anyone should be entertaining someone after that alone! so disrespectful of your time. the rest of it is just batshit crazy.

  15. Lots of red flags here… First off, don’t wait an hour for someone who’s gonna be that late. That’s ridiculous. At the most wait like 20-25 minutes. Unless there was heavy traffic or something I find arriving late to be pretty rude.

    Then with the sister and boyfriend basically four-wheeling your date is awkward. I would have probably left or something. It’s not like you’re a minor.

    Her asking the very first question upon meeting you about kids is definitely odd – has this girl ever been on a date before? 😅 Doesn’t seem like she has.

    Don’t go on a second date..

  16. 1 She arrives an hour late.

    2 She shows up with her sister and sisters boyfriend without telling you ahead of time.

    3 She didn’t mention kids anywhere on her profile and then springs the question as a surprise on you while her sister and sisters boyfriend are hearing your response to the surprise reveal that she has a kid.

    What’s she going to reveal next that the kids dad still lives in the same house with her and the kid?

    Dude how desperate are you to get laid? Have a little self respect for yourself.

  17. Saw the title ready to come in and tell you how closed minded you are but damn bro I woulda up and left in that dinner hahahaha

  18. Dude, these red flags are so big they’d cover the Great Wall Of China. Run. Fast.

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