I (16M) have spent a large part of almost every day for a year with my (16F) girlfriend. Currently I’m on vacation with my parents in another country, and I’ve been very anxious since I can’t see her. I can’t get it out of my head, to think constantly if she is okay, if she has eaten and other things like that, and I feel like I’m asking her those things too much, and maybe preventing her from doing other things since she would have to answer my messages. Even when we were together every day, I had a problem with apologizing. I constantly feel that everything I say could be understood wrong and that she will be angry, so I apologize excessively. I do know I do it too much, but I genuinely feel sorry for things out of my control, and things that I shouldn’t really apologize for.

This year, due to the overthinking and anxiety I have been quite quiet, and have slept very badly for these 10 days, my parents complain I’ve ruined their vacation this year, but every time I say sorry it gets even worse. I don’t want to hinder her, and my parents. She has a job and they do too, I just want to help them and not to be an obligation to anyone.
Any help?
Thanks in advance, L.
TLDR; Need help as I’m anxious when not around my girlfriend

  1. OP you need to talk to a counselor or therapist if that’s an option for you. This is way beyond normal anxiety and sounds like something you need help to manage.

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