I would like to know how I can stop being a people pleaser and being too nice. I am way to nice too nice to people. I allow people to disrespect me, walk all over me, and put me down. I’m a doormat and I have a hard time standing up to people and speaking my mind when people are doing things I don’t like.

When someone does or says something I don’t like sometimes I won’t say anything and I will build up anger about what happened. I have a hard time expressing how I feel in that moment. I feel like I care more about other people’s feelings than my own. I am way to nice to other people and allow them to mistreat me. I put up with way to much of other people’s stuff.

  1. You have only one life. Live it for you and not only ppl. Once you get confidence and know your value, you will stand up for yourself. If i think u are shit u let other ppl treat it that way. Betrayal bad enough will make you not care abt the person and do what is better for u. U havent been treated bad enough to push u to the edges

  2. When I get the urge to be nice to people, I just think “What would Tom Cruise do?”

  3. What helps me is realizing that most of these people messing with you, that you’re biting your tongue for to keep the piece with, aren’t worth the time to worry about what they think. So say what you want.

    Try it one time, just say what you want one time! Bet you almost nothing happens. And find better people to be around.

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