Also how old are you and how long did you live in most places? I recently moved to America and have met a lot of people who seemed to move around a lot. I’m wondering if that’s the norm.

  1. I’m 19 and I’ve lived in about 16 different places in about 7 states. That’s considered a lot for most people I’ve met, but I also grew up in a fairly unstable living situation, so my experience alter the average a bit

  2. I’m 30 and I’ve lived in 8 cities in 7 states. More than most people I know.

  3. I lived in one city (2 houses) for 18 years, then moved to a different state for college and still live in that city more than two decades later. I have had 8 different addresses in it though (5 from my college years).

  4. I’ve lived in three states. Idaho for about 20 years, New York for 5 years, Washington for more than 20 years now. Twelve different homes in total. I’m 45.

    My parents and all of my siblings and most of my cousins and friends and coworkers have lived in multiple states and some multiple countries. It’s pretty normal.

  5. 2 cities, 1 state. Although two regions of the state. I’m 29, spent most of my time in Dallas and a few years in Waco for college

    Honestly, that’s not surprising in your experience. People who move around tend to meet other people who move around because they tend to be more open, because they have to

  6. 10 states, 18 locations (cities/towns), 34 places lived (might have missed a couple in a quick count).

    Shortest I lived in one state was a month, but I’m only counting places where my address was legally moved to. Most places I lived about a year at a time. Four places in three states I’ve lived more than 3 years each.

    I’m in my 40s. Met a few people that moved more. Most people have moved less. Known a few that never left their state or even home town. All of those perspectives fascinate me.

  7. Two states, 4 cities. I’m 31- the only time I haven’t lived in Arizona was when I went to college in Colorado for a year.

  8. I’m 20 and I’ve never moved. However, this is largely due to the fact that my parents both moved a whole ton and are tired of it

  9. I’m 24 and have lived in two states but many many different cities and homes within them

  10. I moved as lot as a kid (five states before I was a teenager), but I’ve been in Arizona since the ’90s. I might have one move left, if the stars align just right.

  11. Lived in 9 states and one foreign country. One of those states I’ve lived in 3 times despite trying a few times to leave. Most of that was before 20 too.

  12. 49 – 2 countries – 4 states – 8 cities – 18 locations (not counting living in the same place multiple times)

  13. Never left my hometown. Neither has my parents or my grandparents (before they retired)

  14. 5 states-7 cities. In my 40s. Duration ranges from 20 years to 6 months

    Also two countries other than the US (one city in one, two cities in the other)

  15. 5, born in South Dakota, then lived In Wyoming, Washington, then PA and now New Jersey

  16. 34, two countries – but two states and three American cities (and one was a suburb of another). And maybe like 12-15 total places lived within those places (different apartments, houses, etc)

    I’ve travelled a *lot* and chose to live where I am now because it’s just my favorite. My wife and I talk about moving abroad or to NYC if we ever feel we’ve outgrown this place. That could be many years away though.

    About half of my friends moved away at age 18 for college. And half of those return home after 4 years. Some stay afar because they grow fond of their new friends and experiences – and it’s hard to go back. Some stay because they transitioned into a career. Others continue to move around to pursue their career. Some move to chase a relationship. Some move for cost of living. Some move for political/liberty reasons (both conservative and liberal). As a result, I have friends across the country in several States. I suppose it’s normal enough.

  17. I’ve called the following home at some point or another:

    4 countries

    8 states

    14 cities in those 8 states

    I’m too old for moving.

  18. 34.

    Born in Florida, moved to Virginia at one, then to Minnesota (parents’ hometown) at three. Grew up in Minnesota until I was 19. Worked in Toronto for a year. Then moved to Illinois for school for 7 years. Then moved to Kentucky for one year, Minnesota for three years, Michigan for a few months (visiting job of sorts), then back to Minnesota for two years, and emigrated to Thunder Bay, ON, Canada earlier this year.

    Probably here for a while now. My son turns 6 in November and I don’t want him to bounce around now that he’s school-aged. We might move to a bigger city/metro in Canada, but it’d need to be soon. I want my boy to have long-term friends as a kid.

  19. CA – From birth to 9 years old

    UT – 9 to 19 years old

    WA – 19 to 21 years old

    CA – 21 to 23 years old

    PA – 23 to 24 years old

    CA – 24 to present day. 25 years old.

  20. Missouri and Ohio, 2 different towns, 1 city. Northern Ohio is The Great White North.

  21. I’m 20 and I have always lived in California, I spent about 18 of those years living in San Diego/Poway and the most recent 2 (almost 3) in San Luis Obispo which is where I go to university.

    I am planning to go to grad school and am looking at 5 different universities, 2 of them are California but in different cities, while the others have a shot, I’m preferential to the ones in California.

    After grad school I will likely stay in/go back to California or perhaps abroad

  22. Three cities in two states. Place I grew up, city I went to college, city I worked in, and moved back to city I went to college. I do have other places I had extended stays in for a variety of reasons. I’m 28.

  23. Upper 30s; 10 cities across 5 states and a foreign country. Shortest duration was about 4 months; longest is 12 years and counting.

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