These don’t have to necessarily be unique to the country, just significant enough to be associated with it.

  1. Innovation. Technology, entertainment, food, etc. We love to try new things, and our culture tends to support novelty and change and diversity rather than being too concerned with tradition.

  2. Folk art and regional lore. I would kill for an American based fantasy movie or comic with our legends and settings rather than “Greco-Roman/Norse gods and creatures in America for no reason” #6443733.
    Also our food. We have a lot of immigrant based food but also dishes indigenous to the country and wider continent itself that the Old World doesn’t have, at least in the same form. Jambalaya, cornbread, chili, clam chowder, tamales, and many more

  3. It’s diverse in traditions and flavors, but has several commonalities that are unabashedly “American”.

  4. The music Americans produce is among the best. I think we get some stiff competition from the UK though and Canada is also very successful.

  5. I love the idea that when you immigrate here you’re American. Sure you bring your own culture and traditions with you, but you’re American. We want you to take part in our traditions and embrace our culture because it’s now yours as well.

  6. The widely held belief that citizenship makes you an American rather than your heritage. It’s certainly not like that in Europe – people born in France aren’t considered French by some.

  7. How diverse and competitive it is.

    We have the influence of countless cultures here. We also have the (more or less) discerning tastes of countless cultures.

    Over the years, those influences and tastes have sifted through what was available and picked out things that people liked more than others. Then those things were refined and adjusted to be even more popular than their competitors that were making the same things.

  8. I think compared to at least a lot of other “western” nations, Americans live “loud” in public, not just literally, but even in appearance or manners. I support this about us.

  9. American culture is global in its social, cultural and economic dominance, as well as its ideological reach. Many people from other countries (especially Anglo ones) absorb it growing up, and are practically weaned on it. It’s so ubiquitous that it often goes unnoticed, to the point that it isn’t even seen as American anymore, it’s just “normal”.

  10. I know some might disagree but it’s the whole “American dream” thing and the thought that you can work your way up from nothing. Lots of stories of people who pulled themselves out of poverty, were the first ones in their family to go to college, started a successful business, etc. It’s amazing how you see people in their 40s and 50s going back to school, even getting their diplomas if they never got one. It’s celebrated here. We all also root for the underdog in America. Everyone loves a story about a person who had the odds stacked against them make something of themselves

  11. The emphasis we put on following your dreams and trying hard to achieve the impossible

  12. The willingness to be self critical. Keeps things dynamic and change is always possible so long as people aren’t complacent

  13. ​

    American garage bands. Kids all over America for decades have been forming all manner of rock bands. Some of them are even good.

  14. Our absolute obsession with music. Of course music is nearly everything in the rest of the Anglosphere as well but here we have the numbers. The US has over double the population of the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada combined. This generates alot of experimentation and enables new genres with influences from all the various ethnicities that are now living here.

  15. Bucking “tradition” not doing things just because it was your parents way of doing things

  16. Well I think we heavily borrowed from French thinkers in our conception, and those ideals of from many, one, and that we should not fear each other is the best thing about us. We’re this massive country made up of 50 represented small countries, and we’re all descendents of (relatively recent) immigrants. We’re a mixing bowl. Our culture is the result. I love it.

  17. The push for individual freedoms. People take it the real fuckin’ wrong way and start acting like their “personal freedom” means the “freedom to oppress others,” but the fact that the country is overall designed to continue to expand on individual freedoms is a great start. We’ve come a long way. Holy crap do we have a long way to go, who knows if we’ll make it out the other end, but the changes this country has made in just a few hundred years (considering it was founded on the biggest genocide the world’s ever seen, in which the cultural genocide continues to this day) are actually relatively impressive. We shouldn’t get complacent at the strides we’ve made, it’s just worth acknowledging that things are improving. General upward trend.

    Another great part is how eclectic it is. It still weirds me out, watching foreign films, when the entire movie is exclusively comprised of a single ethnic demographic. Like the cast is all Korean or whatever; reminds me of American movies from the 1900’s, heh. I see people of all different kinds in the US, it’s a wonderful thing because we all contribute in a unique way. It’s interesting and informative to be surrounded by diversity. There’s a big parallel effort to oppress diversity still, but it perseveres nonetheless.

  18. Not just it’s diversity, but the fluidity of the culture itself. There’s a niche for everyone and the mainstream culture is fairly flexible and open.

    So many cultures are sticklers about the most trivial things. I feel like American culture is way less judgmental and exclusive.

  19. The friendliness. I love that we are known for our eye contact and willingness to help others.

  20. I moved to California from Europe. I swear I can still feel and see the pioneer spirit.

    The spirit of people who set out to go west in hope of a better life. I’m quite sure the locals have no idea what I’m talking about, but just the way people are dealing with challenges and problems… growing up in the well settled Europe, this is just fascinating to me.

    Nowhere else on the planet I have ran into this attitude, but the American west.

  21. Probably one of the least important things but pop culture. American media (like music, television, movies) are usually popular internationally.

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