Of course the 3 are mostly equal but who would you be most scared to testify in front of as if you were called to
The principals office in middle school?

  1. If I got called to the oval office in the way you get called to the principals office, I’d just….cease to exist

    Like, how bad do you have to fuck up for the president to be like “I need to meet this person”

  2. Senate is part of Congress. The other half is the House of Representatives.

    Also, the Senate.

  3. I feel like the president holds the least power tbh. I guess I’d be most scared to testify against the senate

  4. The Senate is one of two Houses in the Legislative branch of government, which is also called Congress.

    As far as power is concerned they’re supposed to be equal but the balance does shift back and forth between POTUS (president/executive branch), Congress (The House of Representatives and The Senate/Legislative branch) and the Supreme Court (Judicial branch).

    Right now most people would say The Supreme Court because of several recent rulings. I would disagree with that but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  5. Congress (which includes the Senate). At least in theory. They rarely every cooperate to exercise that power.

    They can make laws. If the Supreme Court says something is unconstitutional, they can make new laws. They can get the process started to change the Constitution.

    They can override any veto from the President.
    They can hold back funding for anything they don’t agree with.
    They can hold off on appointments, or force the President to choose between a temporary office holder and nobody at all.
    They can impeach any member of the other branches.

    As far as testimony, it depends on the circumstances and what the lawyer I hire has to say about it.

  6. The Senate is half of Congress. The Other Half is the House of Representatives.

    The three branches are each roughly equal in power if you are looking at it on the whole, but on specific issues and things one will have more power than the others. So it will depend on the specific context you are discussing.

  7. Do you mean The Supreme Court, Congress or the president?

    Cause I think we’ve all learned recently that it’s definitely the Supreme Court. The “checks and balances” on their power turns out are pretty ineffective.

  8. I’m gonna go with the president. Nobody else has control of predator drones.

  9. 1. Congress (senate + house)
    2. SCOTUS
    3. President

    As ingrained in our constitution.

  10. The President has been seizing power for more than half a century especially with the creation of new departments/czars and issuing of executive orders, and Congress has been abdicating its responsibilities to create laws. At present, I’d have to say the President.

    Recent judicial branch rulings have negated many of the EOs (especially from Obama’s era), and put the onus of responsibility back on Congress. It’s not balanced, but it’s getting better.

    And don’t forget, it’s Congress (both Senate, House), Judiciary, Executive and States. I think the greatest power is reverting back to the states.

  11. Who do I fear most?

    1. The donors that buy everyone OP listed
    2. The media that constantly lies about everyone OP listed (or covers for them)

  12. I would say the Supreme Court is probably the most powerful as it’s most difficult for the other branches to overrule, but that power is checked by the fact that they can only rule on cases that have made it up the chain and fit within their limited docket space, and so overall their scope of power is effectively pretty limited.

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