Not the obvious reasons – cheating, narcissistic abuse or not wanting children. More gray areas, where it is not clear what is right or now.

  1. There are not general rules, its what makes sense for you. They could dislike your parents and that is a dealbreaker for you.

  2. I ended a 7 years relation bc we didn’t match, didn’t talk, except at sex that we were perfect. So it was sex or fighting. And i sometimes think that i should have ended sooner. But the sex was amazing. It sucks

  3. So are you saying you are unhappy??

    I mean.. you can end the marriage for any reason you want.. just don’t come here looking for support if you decide to end it over some dumb shit.. when we get married we agree to stay with that person “for better or worse.. in sickness and health” etc.. So I believe we should ALWAYS try to work out problems in the relationship without running to a divorce attorney every time we disagree unless there is abuse.. physical or mental.

    Marriage is more important to me than most people nowadays apparently tho because I see people telling people to leave marriages over dumb petty shit basically every day on this sub.. so maybe I am naïve about all this.. but I still believe marriage should be treated like an actual union of two people.. most people think it’s temporary tho from what I can tell.

  4. When the reason you stay is obligation. -for the kids, for your religion, for your family, etc if you only care about being married and not the marriage itself. It leads to so much unhealthy behavior.

  5. I would say if being with the person makes your life harder or worse than being alone. I would only stay in a relationship that enriched my life (I wouldn’t instantly peace out but if counseling and concerted efforts to fix things didn’t work or I was willing to work on things and he wasn’t, then I’m not sticking around being miserable).

  6. Here is my deal-breaker list, which is also my wife’s deal breaker list:

    – Drug and alcohol abuse

    – Financial lies or recklessness

    – Infidelity

    – Physical or mental/emotional abuse

    Everything else will ebb and flow, and is part of tending the garden of your marriage commitment

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