This might come as a shocker, but I (22M), yes a male, is having trouble finding a meaningful relationship yet it is easy to find girls that are willing to just fool around.

After coming from the mindset that you need to make women believe that you want a relationship in order to reel her in for sex, it is the total opposite. I feel as if that only works on a certain group of women.

Now, my question is, how do I find a way to settle down with someone? Every time I try to make thing serious, it never works out and they aren’t “ready for a relationship” and that I’m “very nice” but they don’t want a relationship with me. Conversely, if I’m bold and really show interest for no dating hookup, it has worked for me almost perfectly, except once (even then she really did not know what she wanted, so it was a 50/50 toss up).

I really want to find someone to be with, but every girl is wanting casual or nothing. And before people say “you’re just an attractive humblebragger”, yes I have been considered quite attractive, but that’s not to say I am an “alpha chad” by any means. I am just a skinny 5’11 guy who looks like a tiktok boy lol, so I’m not the type of guy who’s EVERY girl’s cup of tea.

What do I do? How does a guy get through a situation like this? I always see advice for women, but this is the opposite of what I imagined happening to me 2-3 years ago.

  1. I don’t know where you live where it is the norm to have an easier time having relationships vs casual sex in your early 20s.

  2. Seems like you are trying to get relationships out of hookups. You should date women who are not attracted to you for hookup reasons.

  3. I would say from everything I’ve read here, I’ve seen out there; the conclusion is that, we are living in a hook up culture kind of world. Don’t give up! Keep on searching, perhaps get out of the apps a bit. Relationships, love, etc happen when u least expect it I promise u!

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