I’m (23M) almost always considered calm, collected, timid person by my friends and family. 99% of th time this is me. I always avoid conflict and just eat up even if something annoys me. However, eventually it gets too much for me and then I get really annoyed which leads to some drastic changes. I didn’t notice this before but ever since I started living on my own as an adult this has cropped up. For example, I was talking to a girl on Hinge for a month. We had a virtual date and she kept postponing actual date. I mever comfronted her about it. Then she was getting busy with grad school so messaging got infrequent. I still didn’t say anything until the point it got too much and I ended things. I thought it was fine then and it kinda was. However, I wish I could’ve told her my concern before going to final step directly. Recently it happened again with my research group. Althpugh in this case I handled things better but still, no one thought I had any problems until last moment when I decided to chmage groups. It again happened with a friend and I never showed any concern until apoint when I was too annoyed.

Now I’m talking to another girl. She’s also infrequent texter and she’s also away for lile a month. I’m getting annoyed a bit but she doesn’t know since I never show it. But I’m afraid that eventually it’s gonna get too much for me. I don’t wan t that to happen and instead work things out.

I just don’t know how to handle conflict. It’s not like things blow up. It’s just that I act such that things just end and I would rather solve conflict instead ending things.

1 comment
  1. Think about the consequences. Will getting strung up and emotional solve your problems, or create new ones? Act to complete your goals, then deal with the residual conflict later privately.

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