I know this is a really common question but let me give the details of my specific situation so that I may get some advice

So I’m a college student who works a 9-5 internship, I’ll admit I usually show up late so I don’t actually get home till 6, because of my internship I get pretty tired so I also take a 1 hour nap followed by dinner. I then FaceTime my gf and play video games while on FaceTime with her till like 1-2 in the morning. This has been a routine for a bit now but today was different. Throughout our FaceTime I could tell she was being less communicative and overall impatient in our conversations (if you want more info what she’s like when she’s mad check my post history). Well I get off video games early and she says how she’s surprised I’m not playing video games, I then ask if she’s upset I’m playing video games to which she says that I would rather play video games than talk to her. I can see my fault in this, I don’t text her much when I’m at work so for my free time to be spent on video games vs talking to her i understand. I tell her it’s only for today and that I usually talk directly to her more on other days. to which she then says “uh huh” and just remains silent on FaceTime. From then on I try to start convos such as if she has any plans tomorrow, how was your day today, what did you get at Costco? She answers me but nothing really picks up which something always usually does when we conversation so it quickly ends up just us being silent on FaceTime. She then becomes upset and says that she’s going to sleep if I’m not going to talk to her. I then told her that we can’t carry a conversation if we can’t go off each other like we always do to which she says “uh huh” and just says goodnight. I don’t understand why someone would be mad at their bf spending their free time playing video games while also on FaceTime with you. It’s not like I was completely ignoring her, we were on FaceTime at the same time.

And yes it’s easy to just facetime her instead of playing video games but i rarely have free time in my day and i recently picked up a new game ive really started loving I decided to spend my free time doing something I enjoy along with my gf, in no part of this story was I ignoring/not texting her for long periods

is she right am i just being stupid or is she wrong in that this is something she shouldn’t be mad at. because from where im standing it looks like she made herself mad by complaining how i spend more time on games than talking to her but when we’re face to face on facwtime shes too upset to talk to me

  1. She feels neglected and feels like she is competing with a video game since you’re probably distracted doing both at the same time.

    How about take your nap, eat dinner, facetime her for a couple hours and then play video games after. There’s no time crunch on the video game, you can play and progress whenever you want. There’s also no need to FaceTime her for like 5 or 6 hours. 2 hours uninterrupted is more than sufficient.

    Unfortunately, she sounds a bit needy/clingy.

  2. women hate it when you play video games & talk at the same time. talk to her then play. They can tell.

  3. Bruh … I had the same thing happen to me and couldn’t find a solution. it would be good to explain to her that the you r not neglecting her but the video game just puts your mind at ease after a long day. Of course she might ask if she isn’t enough to that which will put u in an awkward spot but u never know.

    First … Can she join u in gaming or is she just not interested video games at all?

    Second … Do you guys go out together or is this a long distance relationship? If not then why not have one or two days a week where u guys go out and show that she isn’t being neglected in anyway.

    If none of those help then I’m sorry but it just can’t be helped 😞 … Like I said … Happened to me before and it made me feel anxious that I ALWAYS had to take into consideration what the other person thinks while gaming and FTing

  4. Lol dude I actually follow you and I have seen multiple posts about your girlfriend. To me it seems like she has some mental issues. She makes a big deal out of the tiniest things and makes you feel bad for it, when you didnt even do anything wrong.
    You keep posting these stories but I think deep down there’s one answer you’re looking for. Just one. I’m not gonna give it to you, that’s something you have to decide for yourself.
    But posting your stories on reddit is not going to help. What about the people around you? Talk to them, even if it may seem useless because they are maybe going to say the same things they have already said before?
    TALK to someone that knows you and knows her. Listen to their opinion. People around you always seem to notice when something bad is happening, way faster than you would notice yourself because you are IN the situation.

    I went off a bit there but I guess you get my point. I’m sorry you guys are struggling but to me it seems like you’re not a good fit. I’m just a stranger on the internet tho. So please, talk to someone about this.

    Edit: reading some of the comments saying girls don’t like it when you play games and talk at the same time. Not true lmao. If she likes you, she can be interested in the games you play. I sure as hell would ask to watch, depending on what game. If she’s not interested, that’s fine obviously, she can go on to do something that she wants to do.

    Edit 2: facetiming every day untill you fall asleep is not a healthy standard for a relationship and for your body and mind.

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