We’ve been dating for a month. I told him I was a virgin, and he told me to go lose my virginity to someone else. He says he doesn’t wanna be the first person I have sex with, but he won’t give me a reason why. But I don’t wanna do it with a random person, so idk. Should we just break up

  1. I think the age gap here is a bit weird and is basically grooming. I think he may also know that. He may also not be fully committed and doesn’t want you to lose it to him just for things to not work out. I suggest breaking up and I think in the future you will also be glad you lost it to someone else.

  2. Yes, you should just break up. He doesn’t want the emotional responsibility of being your first. You deserve better.

  3. He doesn’t want to put in the work to be a good first partner to you. He’s basically told you to go away and come back when you’ve had enough sex that he can treat you any way he likes in the bedroom. This is not a good relationship.

  4. Absolutely break up with him. The reason he doesn’t want to take your virginity is because a lot of women bond deeply with the person they lose their virginity to, particularly if they’re in a relationship with that person. He doesn’t want you getting too close to him or ‘clingy’ which means he probably doesn’t see a future with you.

    The alternative explanation is he doesn’t want to deal with the blood or the pain you may experience and the care the guy should take on the first time but even then you should dump his ass cause he sounds like a piece of shit.

  5. hes being actually unreasonable and he is not a fitting partner for you. please move on and do not let anyone treat you like this. good for you!!

  6. Yes. Wait for the right guy. Someone who truly cares for you. Not just some random

  7. Yes breakup . Someone tells you to go elsewhere believe them. He isn’t who you thought he was.

  8. Break up, guy seems like a sleezy. If he really cared about you he wouldn’t pass you off to get railed by some random guy.

  9. I think you should do what suits your preferences. But that man does not love you at all.

  10. Yes. You should break up. He does not sound like the right person for you. I also think there is too much of an age gap at your age.

  11. He knows he’s trash and is giving you a way out. Take it and find someone worthwhile. He’s also too damn old.

  12. Yes if he’s telling u to sleep with someone else he doesn’t value u love u and doesn’t want the responsibility of being your first. Which means he loves u and wants to sleep with u but he knows your not the 1 for him. Move on and congrats on valuing yourself enough to wait. Pls continue to wait for the right one this guy is not it no matter how cute he is

  13. I don’t believe you should stay with a guy who is much older than you. Just because both of you are at a different stages of life and he does not want to carry that responsibility of being your first.

    You should only have sex if you are comfortable and feel ready to have sex and not because you feel pressure to do it just because others have done it.

  14. Red flag is that a 24 year old is dating an 18 year old lmfao. I’m younger than that and wouldn’t date an 18 year old

  15. Glad to see others bringing up the age gap.

    Six years is a significant difference. He’s a creep. But I’m glad he isn’t willing to be your first.

    Lose your virginity to someone who isn’t 6 years older and isn’t someone you’ve only known for a month. You’ll be MUCH more comfortable if you lose it to someone you kinda (or a lot) care for, not some random 24 year old guy who is probably just bragging about how he “got an 18 year old” to his buddies while gaming.

  16. Why are there so many posts from girls on this with boyfriends who are WAY older than them. Sometimes its kind of creepy 🙁

  17. He’s telling you who he is without telling you who he is. If losing your virginity to someone you care about is important to you, then be grateful he gave you the warning.

  18. Yes you should he is being a dick here and yh isn’t just something awesome to be someone’s first’ and see what am dick he is !

  19. Nope. You should “just break up” because he’s a predator. At least he knows that he shouldn’t take your virginity but the fact that he wanted to date you to begin with is a huge red flag.

    OP, know that my comment says nothing about you. I know it seems cool to date an older guy but, as I’m sure others have pointed out, someone his age looks for younger women FOR A REASON.

    He’s old enough to be several years out of college and you’re just starting out — don’t waste your time with him! Even he knows you shouldn’t…

  20. Break up. IMO 18 and 24 is too much of a gap. It’s not the same as 30 and 36. You guys are at two different stages in life.

  21. I’m not one to usually jump to “break up,” but in this case, I’d recommend it. There’s a sort of attachment and bond that comes with losing your virginity to someone and he doesn’t want to be that to you, and him even having said that, I’d save it for someone else if it’s special to you. It sounds like he’s being forward with his feelings that doesn’t feel very forward. He might not just be there yet, but regardless, that’s a red flag. Cut it off now while the relationship is young.

  22. DON’T sleep with someone else just because he said.
    DO tell him you are taking his advice and breaking up with him and finding another person to give your virginity

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