Wanted to know your thoughts on this, thanks!

  1. I would tell them: Seek therapy to help you process what happened to you and find ways to move on healthily while learning to recognize the cycle of abuse. No one deserves to be abused and people of any gender can be abused or abusive. Being abused was not your fault and it’s a sign of strength to seek help from a counselor or therapist to work through what you’ve experienced.

  2. Being abused is not your fault, and you can’t change an abusive relationship because the problem is not with you. I would tell any person in an abusive relationship to seek help from people close to them in getting out.

  3. Men can be abused too. You can and should talk about your emotions. You don’t have to put up with abuse.

  4. It’s okay to need time to process and heal.
    I‘d also give sources and suggestions and… well also curse out whoever hurt them…

    My boyfriend was hurt in former relationships, so when all that pain comes back i hold him, tell him that he is precious and they were stupid. And that it is okay for him to be angry.

  5. When stuck between feeling guilty for leaving or resentful for staying, choose guilt every time. Guilt comes from the outside (other ppls projections, expectations, etc) while resentment comes from the inside. Over time, while initially uncomfortable, the guilt will fade and you’ll feel stronger for choosing to enforce your boundaries ❤️ sending you love!

  6. Please talk to someone. Fix the hurt that drives you to hurt others. Please avoid dating until there’s serious progress

  7. Men could be abused just as much as a woman could be abuse! You’re not a “wuss” and you’re not less of a man for being emotionally abused !

  8. I don’t have anything to say unless it’s my nephew. Otherwise, go to other men for advice and help.

  9. I’d start with “I believe you”. Most men don’t hear that and are often ridiculed for even coming forward at all.

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