When would you want to hear constructive criticisms about your look?

  1. Depends on who says it

    A good close friend? Sure, I value their opinion

    A random person I barely know and consider an acquaintance rather than a friend? Keep it to yourself.

  2. Is it something I can fix quickly in the bathroom? If not, I don’t want to know unless I have specifically sought the guidance (ie. From my hairdresser or a friend who is a makeup artist, etc).

  3. If my eye or nose is unclean, or my skirt is tucked into my knickers. Basically something I can fix in 10 seconds. Otherwise leave it.

  4. I wouldn’t. I don’t care. I’m clean and tidy.

    Constructive criticism about anything else would be more useful.

  5. When I ask, and *only* when I ask.

    If I don’t ask, I don’t want your opinion

  6. If I’ve asked. Or if there’s like, stuff in my teeth or toothpaste on my shirt or something

  7. When I explicitly ask for them, or there’s an obvious problem I may not have noticed (like, thank you lady who told me when my skirt was tucked into my knickers).

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