Hey, guys, I made a post around a week ago detailing an experience of how I probably got friend-zoned, and whilst the comments were pretty supportive saying that I likely didn’t, I sort of knew that I did. Anyway, the story was that I asked her to hang out with me, and she agreed that night. Later the next day, she asked me who else we should tag along with, and then we agreed to invite two other friends, one guy and one girl. Today we hung out together and it was pretty fun, but later I asked her if she’d like to hang out with me alone, to which she responded “I’m busy for the next week and a half of holidays, so how about in the next holidays” (we have school holidays rn, and it repeats every 9 weeks). So yeah, she let me down easy. Anyways, any tips on how to make heartbreak easier?

  1. Be a king, dont be bothered by some silly rejections. More will come and I think the right mindset in order not to be bothered by them is to have fun. The whole purpose of hitting on someone is to have fun both you and the other person. In order to be so painful the first tries keep your day busy and search for other people.

  2. Maybe yes maybe no. A woman being busy but making plans to see you again isn’t a rejection. But her reaction to the first date and the second date indicates rejection. Tell her you like her and that you want her more than a friend.

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