Whenever I see someone on TV eating a homemade sandwich it’s never cut, just wondered if this was a TV thing or if you folks just choose to eat the two pieces of bread whole?

  1. I rarely cut mine when I make it for myself.

    If my wife makes it for me, she cuts it.

  2. When I make and eat it at home, it doesn’t get cut. When I make it and take it to work, it gets cut. I can’t explain it. It just has to be that way.

  3. Sometimes, sometimes not. Depends on if they will be easier to eat that way.

    Grilled cheese always has to be cut, diagonally, and placed on the plate with one half propped up by the other half so the corner is sticking up a bit and the cheese can ooze down in a strand. It shows off that the cheese is properly melted, and that dangly strand is the first bite. Yum.

  4. Yeah I cut them. I cut them in half – my husband like them cut like sailboats.

    There’s too much in them to risk the larger size.

  5. It depends on the size of the bread. With the standard American loaf I usually cut it. In Europe I prefer sandwiches on croissants or pretzel rolls, and I don’t cut those.

  6. I like making double decker sandwiches with 3 slices of toasted bread. Turkey bacon lettuce and tomato mayo. Then cut it and we each have a half. I also cut toasted cheese; I’m a heathen who likes to dip it in my chili

  7. The sandwiches I make aren’t big, so I don’t cut them. Actually, I don’t cut sandwiches in general unless they’re really big.

  8. Always.

    But I also have an irrational fear of getting food on my face. So I even cut burgers in half before eating them.

  9. It’s obviously a preference thing. But you actually partially answered your own question.

    Anecdotally, I almost never cut a sandwich that I will immediately consume at home. If the sandwich is leaving home, then it gets a diagonal cut (most of the time). You would have to poll Americans but I think think it’s cutting a sandwich is done based on the context and preference of the individual.

  10. I make such haphazard sandwiches that compromising their structural integrity in any way before eating would be inviting disaster

  11. Yeah, a cut sandwich has more surface area to volume ratio, for purposes of activating your taste receptors. Science.

    Really, my kids have little hands and can only handle a half sandwich at a time. If it’s family sandwich time, everybody is getting a triangle.

  12. Generally no, I don’t.

    Exceptions made for grilled cheese where dunking in tomato soup is also expected.

    I cut the sandwiches I make for our kids.

  13. Not usually. My teeth will cut it shortly. Plus less chance of things falling out if it’s uncut.

  14. I cut the sandwiches I make for my son into four pieces. I don’t cut the ones I make for myself.

  15. I go diagonally when I make a sandwich for somebody and vertical for myself. Diagonal is when the sandwich is made with love and I want the person to know I was thinking about them.

    But yea, cut your sandwich

  16. Diagonal.

    When you make someone a sandwich you prove your love for them by making a diagonal cut.

    The exception is when I make grilled cheese for my toddler. He gets like 1/16th squares.

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