I’ve made some bad investment choices. And I’ve practically lost all my money. I still have a good career that pays well. But I feel like it’s over. I don’t have a house yet. I feel like I’m rushing all the time. Am I screwed?

  1. Sounds like you need to read a book on warren buffet and stop screwing around with crypto and options.

  2. Nah, you ain’t screwed man. At 28 you are just getting started. Also, try to no give into th pressure and rushing. There are no rules or obligations. Instead of fomo, take a look at JOMO. You messed up, learn from it and do it better. I also noticed that when on a good path, the older you get, the easier succes becomes and the bigger the gains. But it cannot be rushed and stressing you out or putting pressure on yourself is not beneficial. Step by step forward is the way. Hang in there.

  3. Echo the comment about reading about Buffett.

    You need to get rich gradually. He recommends index funds as do many on here.

    * Invest every month, regardless of what the market is doing. If it crashes buy more.
    * Learn about compounding returns.
    * Stay out of debt.

  4. You have a very real chance of living another 50-60 years. Your life is not over. Your life has barely started. If you make good money, then keep making good money. As far as owning a home, do not worry about it, homes will be there in the future and this is literally one of the worst periods ever to buy as homes are massively over priced. The last times we have seen housing at these prices there was an awful crash and prices fell 60%.

    Your future is full of great buying opportunities.

  5. Assumption here is that you got screwed by crypto. Go back and remember who or what got you into this mess and never listen to them again. Think about why you believed them in the first place.

    Yes, index funds are good and prudent investing is important, but you’ll lose it all again unless you recalibrate your bullshit detector.

  6. You have

    * A good paying career
    * Still very young
    * Good physical and mental healh

    You’re fine man

  7. You’re not screwed. Get out of wsb. You lost 20g, it’s a lot but it’s not that much. I see you’re a trucker. There’s a lot of great jobs in trucking right now. Find the one that suits your lifestyle and pays best. Pack your lunch, quit buying it at truck stops/diners because it’s expensive and unhealthy.

    When I was 28 I was saddled with a shitload of debt and a career that seemed like a dead end. I stopped spending frivolously, sought better opportunities in trucking, and now I’m debt free (except for mortgage) and happy with my financial situation at 35.

  8. Believe me life is not over. We all make bad decisions in life. Pick up the pieces and start over. You are way too young to settle for nothing. I’m 85 and still working on my estate. You’ll be fine.

  9. I started my life at 27 as a college student, start over and don’t be afraid

  10. I lost virtually everything back in 2008. Starting over again from scratch, I’m sitting on $170K from conservative investments. In 2008, I was 39 yrs old. No, you’re not screwed.

  11. Stop taking financial advice from shitty subreddits. Put most of your money in index funds and devote a chunk to high risk high return funds. Or just save for a house if you don’t own property

  12. There are people in their 30s-40s-50s-60s finally getting out of debt. You will be fine. I highly suggest you learn from this experience and maybe research what happened, your mistakes, and how to avoid them in the futhrs

  13. you mentioned you feel like you are rushing. perhaps you have some anxiety issues? i have similar issues and i found doing some research and watching some youtube’s has helped me understand it and feel better. i also started practicing mindfulness and meditation. it’s made a huge difference.

    youtube: boho beautiful meditation
    youtube: healthygamerGG
    podcast: the anxiety guy
    audiobook (YT): ego is the enemy

  14. It doesn’t matter if you’re screwed or not. You’re stuck with your life, so you best make the most of it going forward. Dwelling on the past will not allow you to see the road forward as you walk it.

  15. Consolidate funds from the bad investment choices and look into safe investments, whether it’s a Roth IRA in an ETF or something.

    If you have a good career that pays well, then budget accordingly and develop savings that can be invested. Keep enough for a rainy day.

    It’s a pain, but starting again from the bottom isn’t the worst thing.

  16. I’m 25, failed at literally everything I did because of undiagnosed ADHD which also got me in debt. It killed my self worth and confidence because nothing ever worked for me. I always felt I didn’t belong in this world. When I was around 12 I already felt I wanted to die.

    Everyone told me I was smart but school never worked out for me. I never was able to hold a job longer than 6 months which made me question my own abilities.

    I got my diagnosis last year and with therapy and shit I feel like a new man and when I’m 26 im going back to school.

    I feel like i’m the biggest fuck up in the world but I can finally smile again after 25 years of uncertainty, depression, anxiety and not knowing what was wrong with me. After so many fuck ups and “oopsies” I can finally look forward to what life has to offer.

    It’s never too late to start over.

  17. Dude I’m 36 with a decent job and very little savings. I’m the bread winner in my marriage at the moment, but my wife is getting her degree in industrial engineering. I’m proud that we can maintain a stable lifestyle AND put her through school at the same time. You’re practically 10 years ahead of me, haha…

  18. You are getting started man. Life starts when you think there is no hope and you hit rock bottom.


  19. Nope! Dude, you don’t have any money at 27 compared to 57.

    Hustle harder, live on a tighter budget and save incessantly. You’ll be fine.

    Source: CFP specialized in helping poor albeit high earning individuals.

  20. You are young. And you learned a life lesson early on. Since you have a good paying job, start saving again and be frugal.

    You’re not screwed as long as you learned from your mistake. Slow and steady wins the race of life.

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