I have a 15 minute phone call with a potential therapist. I’ve not had great experiences with therapy in the past. I’m committed to my mental health and overall well-being so I’m going to give it a thorough attempt.

I’ve considered it something like dating, and while it may not be avoidable, I’d prefer to get the ball rolling and not have to go through 2-4 sessions before it’s clearly not a good fit. I’ve had 2 sessions with one therapist and I’m not sure I want to continue with this individual.

How do you know if it’s a good fit? Should I just stick with this initial therapist? What should I ask and be prepared to share on a 15 minute call to ensure the best chances for a successful therapy process?

I’d love to hear your experiences and any resources you found helpful.

  1. Wish I could help. I’ve tried a number of therapists in the past (and am even in the process of trying to find the right one for my teenage daughter)…….and have just come to the conclusion that therapy just doesn’t work (for me at least……and apparently for my daughter too).

    At 45 yo, I’ve just decided that I will work on my physical health (which improves my mental health) and try to develop strategies for when my anxiety starts to take control of me. It’s not great, but seems to work as good if not better than therapy…..and also saves me a couple thousand in medical bills….

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