What is the funniest moment you had mansplaining?

  1. A girl made a sports related joke, I laughed and then tried to explain her own joke to her. She was like “I know dude I made the joke.” I was like “oh.” I felt pretty dumb lol.

  2. When I told my wife that mansplaining was short for man explaining something obvious to a woman.

  3. ? like the funniest moment I had being condescending to someone or having someone being condescending to me?

    generally, if people act like children, I talk to them like children.

    I had a coworker who always touted her 30+ years of experience, nearly daily reminded. she was rude, rough and quite frankly a danger to our clients. (healthcare) and when one day she was complaining about the work load while we were with a client whom she was ignoring and being rather rough with I just started loudly explaining to her the steps and processes we normally go through as if she were a new trainee. boy was that a fun day.

    she was later fired for gross misconduct and several counts of severe neglect.

    and I don’t really listen when people are condescending to me, why bother giving them the time.

  4. It cracks me up when a woman needs clarification on something I think is completely obvious or self-explanatory.

  5. I explained how to take a charge to a girl who played high school basketball. Not my best day

  6. I don’t. I just look at the person and say, “are you stupid?” Then I either do it myself or walk away.

  7. The feminist hate term “mansplaining” is rude and offensive. Men need to tell feminists who spew misandry to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

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