how do you cope with failure?

  1. accept it.

    It is balance, we accept balance everywhere else in life. for every good there is a bad, etc.

    Yes it sting but then you know for sure that what you tried did not work and you can try the next thing.

    failure is not an indictment on who you are as a person it is just this specific event did not work in your favor and that is okay.

    You are here to do better the next time.

  2. Dust it off and get back to work. The harsh reality is no one is going to feel sorry for you or come save you.

  3. Try to stop seeing it as failure and think about it as progress…like even if I didn’t get the time I wanted in a race and someone beat me, I’m still stronger than I was yesterday and than I would’ve been if I didn’t do the work and it’s still a step toward getting that time

  4. Learn from it. It’s all you can do. If you don’t learn from a failure- you’re likely to repeat it.

  5. Very much a grab the bull by the horns personality. I fail, I get mad, try again. I don’t stop until I have “won”.

  6. Man I never get tired of these “how do you cope with this incredibly common thing that everyone experiences several times in their life” posts.

  7. Failure is just a lesson in a harsh mask. You learn from it. You run a little faster, reach your arm out a little further, and eventually you succeed.

  8. I’ve failed so often I’m cold to it

    Deep inside I really crumble because I take it to my heart

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