My (25 F) have a very close guy friend (M 25), we have known each other for over 12 years but since last year shit went down and we got intimate..

we haven’t had sex yet and wont either. but we have done most of it. I have started giving him blowjob since 2 months now.. it is something I know I should not to do and feels illegal but I can’t stop it. but I also love it when he enjoys it and I love it when he says no one can ever beat me ever in life.

No one except for he and I know about this.. and we want to have sex but that’s our boundary to not cross set by me since I am a virgin.

FYI, he is my first kiss and my first everything. I KNOW it is supposed to be with someone special but here I am.

has anyone been into such situation ?

  1. Maybe he is someone special? He’s your close friend who you trust and you find attractive so why not think about a relationship?

  2. It’s not illegal for sure. And it’s supposed to happens with someone special, yes. And he is! You know him for a long time, has a lot of intimacy and yes, it happened. Way better than most first everything I suppose. You are probably feeling guilty because he is your best friend, but did you try to talk with him about it and about how do you feel? And about how he feels about it? Maybe it helps you out.

  3. Not been in that situation. But I do not see any issue with the situation. Sounds nice.
    Are you religious or anything similar. That seems like important missing information here

  4. I’m going to go against the grain and tell you your first time is really not special. At all. Not unless you make it that way.

    So if you want to continue, do so. If not, don’t. But don’t save your first time for “the one.” Because “the one” does not exist.

  5. The first time should be with the person you trust and feel closest to, for a good experience. As someone else said, he would be the perfect candidate. If you split up/drift apart, well, this is life, and it’s ok to have other partners. But the first time should be a pleasant experience.

    Think differently: you will meet someone else, drift apart from your best friend, and have sex with the other guy. He might leave you after a few months, then you go to your best friend to comfort you, but he won’t be available anymore.

    Not saying you must, I am saying it would not be that bad.

    You are growing up, friendships will change anyway.

  6. Can you explain what your guilt is rooted in: Are u religious/trying to remain celibate? If not I don’t see why it should feel “illegal,” ur 2 consenting adults having fun!

  7. >it is something I know I should not to do

    Why not?

    >I KNOW it is supposed to be with someone special but here I am.

    How is he not special?

    It’s sounds like you’ve been brought up to believe that sex will change you. that you have to save it for someone amazing, that you’re going to want to marry.

    If you really feel that way, if YOU have decided thsts how things are, then… awesome! It may be hard to hold out, but you’ll be happy when you find the special person.

    But if this has been dictated to you… If you don’t see the point or understand why you should wait for That Special Person… Then go with your gut.

    I waited for someone special… And in the end it was all well and good but not who I was. It was an arbitrary rule I thought I needed to follow when the truth for me was that I should have been fucking my friends and enjoying myself.

    Sex is wonderful. But you will be the same person when you wake up the next day after consensual sex, regardless of how great or clumsy it is, especially if it’s with a friend you trust.

  8. Girl stop playing hard to get and become a couple that man is probably your soulmate

  9. Oral sex is sex. Why do you think PIV sex goes against your morals but oral sex does not?

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