I have really been struggling with this. I’m with someone and have feelings for them. But my best friend of 9 yrs broke up with his girl of 5 years, and admitted to me that he has feelings for me. Now back 5 years ago we dated for a whole 2 weeks and that didn’t work out, we were immature and bad to one another. We broke up and he got with this girl and has been with her every since. They apparently had little in common, lots of communication problems, and he just didn’t feel secure to be himself. Since we had broke up I had feelings creep up on me a few times but was able to move on. But we have this amazing connection that I haven’t felt since I was engaged to another ex that I loved at one time (he was a narcissist though).. But for the life of me I can’t figure out why I can’t have feelings for my best friend. We have similar interests, want a lot of the same things, can talk for hours about anything and everything without having to worry.. But this many years later he feels like more than a friend, less than a lover. Which freaking sucks because he’s probably the sweetest coolest guy I’ve ever met. What is the issue here? I find myself wanting to hug my bf when thinking about anything but us being together, which isn’t an issue.. But we haven’t even know each other long and have had quite a few problems. Granted we’ve been able to work through them decently.. Anyways, Is it cause I have feelings for someone else that I can’t feel for my best friend? It’s weird cause before I had always had feelings for him till about 2 years ago, then I sorta gave up on them. But he told me the whole time they were together he couldn’t stop thinking about me and has loved me for a long time..

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